Are We Being Socially Conditioned To Eat Bugs Instead Of Meat At The Behest Of The World Economic Forum ?
In a video posted in 2017 eight projections for the future were made by the World Economic Forum on several social media platforms. It can be seen as a short introduction for the WEF global agenda program The Great Reset in tune with the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The most famous prediction of all was “You’ll own nothing. And you will be happy”
Being able to predict the future they also said
“You’ll eat much less meat”
The question on everyone’s lips should be what are they going to replace meat with. Simple answer is “Bugs”. This hasn’t just happened by chance. The World Economic Forum has been priming the general public for quite some time. Their video from 2017 was quickly followed up over the next 5 years with multiple articles on their site expounding the delights of bug eating.
In 2018 an article appeared called
“Good grub: why we might be eating insects soon”
Since Covid and The Great Reset appeared they have really gone into overdrive. Only a month before Covid went mainstream in March 2020 they were tying it into climate change
“Here's how climate change could cause insects to destroy our crops”
Th global elite love to tell the gullible public of their plans which unfortunately most people pay no attention to. We were being warned in January 2021 when they said
“Insects could soon be appearing on restaurant menus in Europe”
A few months later another article appeared
“Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems”
Most recently in February 2022 was
“5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change”
The public has been socially conditioned to accept this not solely by the World Economic Forum but also by mainstream entertainment. A famous programme on British TV called “I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here” is a British survival reality television show.
The format sees a group of celebrities living together in extreme conditions with few creature comforts. Each member undertakes challenges to secure additional food and treats for the group, and to avoid being voted out by viewers during their stay, with the final episode's votes nominating who wins a series.
It has been running since 2002 and basically saw a bunch of C & D list British celebrities eating insects in Australia. It was called “The Bushtucker Trial”
This was no accident and was a very early form of social conditioning of things to come. But now the move has gone from C & D List British celebrities up to A list (or at least that’s what they like to think of themselves as)
Angelina Jolie joined the campaign and is now promoting eating bugs and insects. They want you to compensate for the broken food chain and eat those bugs. The World Economic Forum says, eat insects, it's healthy, and you're saving the planet.

Jolie has appeared at WEF events
In this very creepy clip, influencer and actress Nicole Kidman looks distinctly uncomfortable sampling a variety of bugs doing her best to sell it to the public
Useful idiot James Corden is also involved in the social conditioning of the masses even having to chug down a coke to stop himself from gagging.
It isn’t the first time Corden has done this. In 2021 himself and Ariana Grande sung the vaccine song.

All of these celebrities are sticking to their part of the “social contract” they have made with the establishment. They are all in the same club. If they refuse to hold up their part of the deal, they will basically be cast aside and someone else will fill their shoes. None of them have had the stones to speak up as to what is going on as money and their image is far more important to them.
They love the old one-eye pose, don’t they ?
Bill Gates as you are no doubt aware is the largest landholder in the USA. Why would that be ?
Meanwhile, close to 100 food and processing plants have been destroyed in 2021/2022 and thousands of heads of cattle have been killed.

We can’t say we haven’t been warned as
On July 28, 2020 The Rockefeller Foundation Published A Document Called “Reset The Table” ? It’s all about the upcoming food shortages.
In Canada plans are under way with a Cricket factory having already been built.
And in Latvia Supermarkets are already promoting a diet based on eating insects.
The question now is what we are going to do about it. I’d recommend educating people about what’s going on as well as preparing for the incoming winter by stocking up on foods.
Part 2 of The Great Reset is well under way. At the moment it’s like a runaway train, it can be stopped but it needs more people to wake up a lot quicker than they are.
Don't forget the Dutch farmers protesting the ludicrous "environmental" rules which will cause damning food shortages. And BBC over the weekend covered the annual Coney Island hotdog eating contest, prefacing with the adjective "disgusting" or "nauseating" or some similar word to once again plant that subliminal seed.
The short answer is yes we are, but meat from live animals will still be available just at a very premium price which will mean it becoming out of the reach of most ordinary people.