I rarely write opinion pieces but I’ve been meaning to write this piece for a while. I’m also fed up writing about the World Economic Forum so I thought I’d change it up. After all, there is only so much of the WEF psychopaths that anyone can take at any one sitting.
I’m not quite sure in which direction this piece is going to go as for the most part it is off the cuff. It could end up being a bit of a rant and ramble but I can guarantee there will be a punch line or conclusion at the end 😀
Let’s talk about ‘controlled opposition’…
Some reading this will say “if he’s writing a piece on controlled opposition” then he’s obviously controlled opposition because hiding in plain sight and all that. Yeah, whatever….
First things first, let’s explain it so we are all on the same page.
Multiple definitions on the internet say
“A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries”
Personally, I prefer this definition
“Controlled Opposition is a strategy in which an individual, organization, or movement is covertly controlled or influenced by external agencies and the controlled entity’s true purpose is something other than its publicly stated purpose. The controlled entity serves a role of mass deception, surveillance or political/social manipulation. The controlled party is portrayed as being in opposition to the interests of the controlling party”
What better man to describe “controlled opposition” than Vladimir Lenin who said
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
In the last 2.5 years it constantly amazes me how obsessed people become with this topic of ‘controlled opposition’. It sucks the living daylights out of people. Frankly there has been enough bad shit going on this last 2.5 years without obsessing over it.
Novak Djokovic, Russel Brand, Maajid Nawaz, James Delingpole, Bob Moran and Ivor Cummins are all ‘controlled opposition’ apparently. And yes I even have the receipts to prove it from some random punters on Twitter because if they say it’s true then it must be true 🙄
Each of these men have very unique skill sets that they have put to great use for the last 2.5 years. Djokovic is one of the biggest sports stars in the world, Brand is a very well known celebrity, Nawaz an activist and radio presenter, Delingpole a journalist and podcaster, Moran an illustrator and Cummins an engineer.
Apparently every blue tick is also controlled opposition. I could go on, the list is endless if you believe everything you read on the internet.
Here’s why I don’t give an SH one T. Simply put, its because they have a platform. They have woken up more people in the last 2.5 years due to the content they have put out or the actions they have taken. As rubbish as social media is (and I should know as I’ve been banned twice for writing factual articles and 🧵 ) it is useful for waking people up. Compare now to 2.5 years ago and you will know what I mean.
People are beginning to see governments and media for what they are. It has been a slow awakening for many but better late than never. If it wasn’t for these so-called “controlled opposition” many would still be asleep at the wheel. It is a numbers game in the sense that we need as many people awake as possible and aware of “The Great Reset” and “Agenda 2030” and what they entail.
Let’s have a quick look at each person
Novak Djokovic

Apparently Djokovic is being used by the cabal due to his surname “Novak” as in “No Vax”. He is the poster boy for the anti-vax movement. He was banned from the Australian Open and now can’t play in the US Open as he doesn’t satisfy the vaccine entry requirements for getting into the US. Many believe the whole Australian shenanigans was a set-up from the get go. He frequently covers his eye with his racket thereby he is a Freemason.
You know what, I don’t care whether he is or whether he isn’t. So far he seems to be a man of his convictions. People begun to question the narrative when he stood his ground. Could he be batting for the other side ? Only time will tell.
What I can tell you is Djokovic has woken more people up than any of us realise. He is standing up for pride, passion, integrity, morals, ethics and principles.
He has received tremendous coverage in the media for his stance. For many people, their only source of news is MSM. Many people are now awake as to how ridiculous vaccine passes are etc and that is solely down to Djokovic.
Russell Brand

I’ve got to be honest. I find Russell Brand painful to listen to. Many others love his content. There is no doubt about his hard hitting truth bombs, delivered with a spoonful of humour which helps the medicine go down. He has delivered some outstanding monologues on his Youtube channel which is followed by 6 million people.
Who would have thought that Brand would be the one churning out truth bombs and highlighting the injustices while being completely rational & sensible.
His Twitter account has over 11 million followers. That’s a hell of a lot of people to reach. It is fair to say that many would still be asleep if it wasn’t for Brand.
James Delingpole

Delingpole is apparently ‘controlled opposition’ because he went to public school then on to Oxford. He has also contributed to multiple MSM publications over the years so he must be part of the establishment. Therefore he could never represent the ‘working people’.
I have to admit I love Delingpole’s podcasts. They have saved me from hours of boring tasks that my better half has lined up for me. I just stick on his podcast and away I go. He has the most interesting guests on his podcast which have really opened up my mind for the last 2.5 years and has sent me down multiple rabbit holes of my own.
Apart from being highly educational they are very amusing. His wifi cutting out, dogs barking in the background, his better half entering the room, tumbleweed blowing over in his garden. Him using the excuse of having to cook dinner when he has had enough of a guest so he can finish the podcast early. Some claim it’s all an act, a bit like a bumbling Boris Johnson. I just see it as excellent content.
Delingpole has woken many people up.
Maajid Nawaz

Until January 2022 Nawaz worked for LBC where he conducted incredibly insightful interviews. One in particular stands out where he filleted Dr Gabriel Scally in 2020. he was one of the few sane voices on a radio station questioning the narrative. Scally was one of those people in ISAG who was in a position to influence national policy and needed to be held to account.
Just after Nawaz lost his job for being outspoken, he appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast. Rogan has received hundreds of millions of views for his podcasts. Would Nawaz have appeared on Joe Rogan if he hadn't lost his job and proved to be a controversial character. Who knows ? There is no bigger show than the Joe Rogan show though.
Normies who had never heard of The Great Reset and World Economic Forum have now been exposed to them for the first time. Yes Nawaz had leveraged another podcast to get his message out but he did it with great aplomb.
Personally I think that one interview he did with Rogan should have been made part of public broadcasting and played each day until people got the real picture of what is going on in the world. MSM would never permit it though as they have been bought off.
Plato once said “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth”. Nawaz has spoken a lot of truth and woken people up from their constant daydreaming.
Bob Moran

Bob initially worked for the Telegraph. He was suspended and subsequently sacked for alleged abusive emails.
He is also apparently ‘controlled opposition’. Bear with me whilst I explain. Last year a person contacted me and said they thought Bob was on the bad side.
Here’s why. I want you to look at the two letter Bs in Bob’s logo. Can you see the two 3s in his name BOB. Look carefully and you’ll see them. 33. And we all know that 33 is a very important number for the Freemasons. I joke you not. I did not make that up. This is a case of somebody really overanalysing something.
They say a picture paints a thousand words. In Bob’s case the brush is mightier than the sword. His work is scathing, biting and so real. It is such a clever way to share the truth without getting censored the way words do. He tells stories through his art. I would say he is a true humanitarian. People like Bob keep the light shining while all around is darkness.
What is particularly interesting are the number of retweets and likes for each of the two above images, around 15k and 16k. Bob’s work has reached a huge amount of people.
Ivor Cummins
Also known as the Fat Emperor, Cummins is apparently “controlled opposition” Apparently one of the reasons is because he has a Patreon which people can subscribe to. He is also an obnoxious egotistical grifter !!
He has also been proven right since the beginning of this sh1t show.

All the lefties would have you believe that it’s a sin to earn a living from producing great content. It’s much easier to sit on your ass, watch Netflix and receive money from the state. Cummins spends hours deciphering the data, the graphs & gives brilliantly clear explanations that the average Joe can understand.
With 150k followers on Twitter and over 200k on Youtube he has quite the reach. His data-centric videos are frequently viewed in the hundreds of thousands.
The whole purpose of calling out “controlled opposition’ is to keep people divided. Don’t fall for it. It just isn’t worth your time.
Then again maybe you are one of those people who are permanently looking over their shoulder, paranoid wherever you go. You will be so distrustful of everybody that you will trust nobody. That’s not exactly a good place to be in either.
Some would argue that it is a cat and mouse game with ‘controlled opposition’ where they seem to love torturing their prey by giving them hope, and then ripping it all way.
I see it differently, I see it as waking people up and the bigger the platform they have, the better. I am very much at the stage where I see and only believe stuff with my own two eyes. What I mean by that is I research it myself. If someone says something I double check it.
I undoubtedly follow a good few people who are ‘controlled opposition’. I agree with much of what they say. And if it turns out that I have been played by them then I will take it on the chin.
If I have learned anything in the last 2.5 years, it’s that those people who can admit their own mistakes move on the fastest. You don’t have to look any further than those people who took the vaccines. Many are now beginning to realise that something might be wrong. They are beginning to go down their own rabbit hole. Once they begin to question previous believed cast in stone “beliefs” and see the error of their ways there is no turning back.
That rabbit hole may have started from questioning how Djokovic has been treated, watching Brand gesticulate furiously with his hands as he lays into the WEF, listening to truth bombs from Nawaz on Joe Rogan, listening to one of Delingpole’s insightful interviews with one of his many great guests, examining the intricacies of Bob Moran’s illustrations and understanding how Cummins dissects data in a meaningful way by using graphs.
People consume information in different ways. What may make sense to one makes no sense to another hence why it’s important to have a variety of ways to convey that same information.
When all is said and done it is about waking people up as quickly as possible.
And if that means that someone is '‘controlled opposition”, I really don’t give a €&#@
Great article, I completely agree. People spend too much time calling each other shills and "controlled opposition", spinning their wheels and achieving nothing. My take is that I try to forget who is saying it, and just establish is what they are saying true. Is their compelling evidence? Do they have to be "right" about everything? No, because no-one is. The idea of thinking for oneself means that you don't worship these people, or just take what they say as gospel. You can use discernment and build up a more complete picture by taking the references and evidence from all different sources.
Thanks for putting out such reasoned, logical content. It is much appreciated.
Those accounts accusing the said of being controlled oppositions are assets of the deep state.
Always look at their deeds. Compare their words to their deeds.
Be cautious. Verify.