Why Are Airport Delays & Flight Cancellations Happening In Ireland, UK, Netherlands, Canada etc. Is It Agenda 2030 In Action ?
Unless you have been living under a rock you will undoubtedly have heard of the disastrous wait times in Dublin Airport over the weekend. Thousands missed flights with the fingers firmly being pointed at staff shortages. I witnessed this first hand yesterday as I dropped someone to the airport. Queues were mental both inside and outside as the picture shows.
Let’s stick to the facts
In April 2022 Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) let go of 248 staff at its Dublin Airport security screening operation through a voluntary redundancy scheme in the last 18 months
The pay is crap as well which only adds fuel to the fire. However the question needs to be asked has it been orchestrated in any way whatsoever. If we have learned anything over the last two years, it’s that coincidences don’t just really happen. So what is going on ?
According to DAA on their own web site they are owned by the Irish State
For the last 2 years many people have done little or no travelling with lockdowns, vaccine passports etc being implemented to make travelling as difficult as possible. Now that most countries are opening up it seems that certain countries and governments are making it as unpleasant an experience as possible.
Social media commentators such as Philip Boucher Hayes have been adding fuel to the fire. PBH works for RTE with over 100,000 followers on Twitter. RTE are the state propaganda national broadcaster who have done nothing but terrify people for the last 2 years. He put out a tweet citing climate emergency and asking people to “Check their privilege”
Naturally there was uproar with over 1,000 comments and rightly so. In one response to his initial comment he said his family had made big carbon savings and hadn’t had a holiday in four years.
Funny that, as his wife in December 2021 mentioned going on a family holiday to France. Maybe they took the ferry. I’m hazarding guess they flew though 😉 What was that about carbon footprints and privilege.
Rules are for thee and not for me.

Enough of PBH though.
Issues at airports aren’t just an Irish problem. Chaos reigns supreme in Schiphol airport in Amsterdam as well.
As has been pointed out in the media delays are inevitable and expected in two thirds of European Airports this Summer
Bristol Airport in the UK was likened to a zoo as EasyJet and TUI cancelled hundreds of flights.
However the problem isn’t just a European one. Canada has had its fair share of problems. And don’t forget that only the vaccinated can travel in Canada. You have to be vaccinated to get in or out of the country.
It doesn’t end there though. In Ireland in the lockdown, passport offices were closed so many passports have taken forever to be renewed and the problem is still ongoing. Naturally the politicians are blaming the public.
In the UK Couriers have lost hundreds of new passports as delays threaten holidays abroad.
“New figures reveal that couriers have lost hundreds of new passports, adding to the delays families face in renewing their crucial documents and the chance that more people will miss out on summer breaks abroad”
This all seems to be playing into the hands of “The Great Reset” conspiracy theory 🙄 where less travel is part of UN Agenda 2030s climate change and carbon footprint shenanigans.
As we have witnessed for the last two years the World Economic Forum motto is “Ordo Ab Chao” which means order out of chaos. They are looking to divide and rule.
The problem here is that they are deliberately creating the chaos and plan on implementing the solutions which the “plebs” will be expected to accept.
Was well informed a few years ago that this would occur and it Will get more expensive and problematic for All wishing to travel outside of where you reside. Mandatory jibjabs for pilots and aircabin crew is just the tip of the iceberg, buckle up as things will get more tiresome, especially those not aware of their long term agenda. Stay strong folk's 👍🙏
So true about creating the chaos and implementing "solutions". Zero consideration for human beings, we seem to have become herds of farm animals to be "managed".