I think we are now supposed to get anxious about food and no doubt they are trying to starve us into submission and have us eat lab food. And the Rcokerfeller stuff has always been accepted as the playbook. Could there be dual purpose to the animal deaths?

We are looking at accelerating deaths from the vaccines and they need to manage that carefully as silence is no longer working. Mass animals deaths in Texas occur just as NASA say there is deadly solar radiation due to some instbaility in the ozone layer.

Will there be other mass die offs, Sheep, Pigs, Chickens. Normalising mass death events.

Then of course the deadly solar radiation may cause mass deaths in humans? Vaccine cover up?

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There may be a mass human die-off according to some experts due to the 'vaccine'.

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Deadly solar radiation would knock out the inner-space satellites everyone depends upon (most don't know this), a sunflare messes up global communications. As to animal deaths -we are included in that category.

Vaccine was a coverup for a more sinister agenda. That "Re-Set The Table" pdf sums it up.

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Well we should most definitely prepare ourselves to be put through pain since they put a lot into this going in the direction they want it to go. Food prices, gas prices, viruses, death, murder, sacrifice, all of it is to get us to live in fear something that they feed off. I would say that they have had this technology for a very long time, it has been said by Barrie Trower that their weapons can kill crops and animals so maybe it is time to bring this out into the open that HAARP and these other technologies are linked up together and are in fact weapons of mass destruction being used in this psychological weather warfare that we are being subject to. We need to stop letting them gas light us about the capabilities of these weapons, these are nazi weapons that NASA worked on and gave to NSA and military that now is in the hands of many countries with many uses including the destruction of the food supply. Microwaves are deadly

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The criminal elite doing what it can to hold on to power and control.

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Those who read this article and don't start a garden now are idiots. But, I'm guessing the readers here already know what's going on and most are just idiots...

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Check out the indoor vertical farming industry to see how they plan to be able to have everyone in cities. Of course they're using gene-edited plants. Perhaps cities will be the only place to get your UBI.

If/when the economy collapses enough and/or gas and diesel, food, utilities go high enough or get scarce, people will have no choice but to head for cities. Perhaps cities will be the only place to get your UBI.

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Some of the news today appears to indicate there is some anger about Bill Gates buying up the best farmland across the United States. Just based on my research about what he is up to, it would seem that he has already made a deal with ARPA-E for his idea to once again go at nuclear energy and he supposedly is going to solve all the problems with nuclear, this was already in the works in North Dakota I believe it is, and now after the deal has already been established, a back door deal that the people of course had no say in, here comes Bill Gates the king of everything thinking his old stale ideas are going to solve our problems, and he does not discuss this openly with the public at all, he speaks in first person plural saying We this and We that as if he speaks for all of us.

When he went into our public school system to bring about his technocratic dreams using Common Core, did he present this openly to the public? No he did not, he went in there with all his money, counterfeit money just like his ideas are counterfeit, and he unleashed an enormous experiment upon our nation's children all kept secret from the parents of course, this was another back door deal of his in which he used various subsidized funds like these technocrats do, and he basically conducted an experiment on our children, if anyone were to research this, they would find that Common Core and the technology that came with it was in fact an experiment that is why schools are always taking surveys and things like this to gauge the responses to the experiment. This was all studied and the results published in various ways though never openly never transparently. He is the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, these people always hide behind the curtain, and like the man behind the curtain they are all frauds. Bill Gates brought in technology in our schools and WIFI technology, and this was an experiment, he admits to it ,but he did not do this before it took place, he just did it as if he is in control over all of us and does not need our permission. This is what he does, and he is doing it now with farmland in violation of various laws and statutes and he gets away with it, he did it with GMO mosquitoes, with nuclear energy, he works with the military and then pretends that he is the face of this peaceful movement with smiling faces of indigenous people things like this, he is a fraud and wherever he is hatching plans we must stop him before he can bring them to completion. He secretly has patents to access our bodies and probably our minds, he secretly has agreements with various research organizations and they never get informed consent from anyone, they never get input or approval from the public before they do these things, they just go in through a back door, and the back door is some research grant or something like this. I truly wish they would have pinned him down in the 1990s when they had the chance, everything he touches is a detriment to all of the world and humanity. Guess who was secretly part of these planned scenarios at Johns Hopkins? Bill Gates. Guess whose foundation originally contained the words Population Control? Bill Gates. Why are we allowing this person to do anything anymore, he maybe should be put in jail, that is what I am thinking since he just will not stop, he will not listen to critics, he just pushes on, just make it stop.

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Thank you very much for this article very informative.

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Excellent digging threadsirish! A similar thought on ZeroHedge today https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/great-reset-turning-back-clock-civilization but you provided the pdf of the source, thanks for that.

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I t is becoming apparent that there were more than 20 pre planned disaster scenarios over the years, many of them all have worked their way into our reality in some way or another. The question is if this came from George Bush and the Bush family or did they just adopt this strategy from years of being in the intelligence stratosphere in which everything is a PSYOPS. This approach has been going on for some time though it would take a good bit of research just to pinpoint the actual origins of these operations. They are not new, make no mistake about that. These people have gotten together secretly and planned out these things on the world like a giant game of chess. Some might say a piece of legislation known as Bayh Dole Act started to make it possible to flood money into universities at which point EO 12333 had made it possible to unlawfully experiment upon people to a larger extent something that was already being done by CIA, NSA, DARPA, etc with various oddly named secret projects. JFK did not say that he wanted to tear apart the CIA bit by bit and board by board for nothing. He knew some thing bad was going on and did not like what he saw. Lying to people in order to keep these operations going that are criminal, that involve awful and horrendous things being done to people is treasonous to the trusting public. We are put in danger in the name of this bogeyman or that one, it is all lies.

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Good article, the Rockefeller Foundation has it's hands in everything. Will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Eat the rich. Use Federal Reserve Notes to start and fuel your fire. It's BBQ Season.

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Kissinger is 99 - I wonder if he is starting to fear meeting his maker and being told he will be living with his master.

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This gives us #tinfoilhatprophets some substance to stand on. Thank you for all this work.

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Well done. But…Who is talking about solutions? We are. It’s not that hard. We just need a movement:


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The Rockefeller Foundation is a front organization for the CIA. The CIA have a congressional mandate for “plausible deniability” meaning they will never act in their own name, instead using shell companies and NGOs.

The Rockefeller Foundation appears to be at the very core of the War against Us. As evidenced by documents such as “lockstep”, “the spars pandemic” and now this.

The destruction of food processing facilities is a CLASSIC intelligence operation!! 👻

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Also wondering the same thing. The how of implementation. The methods. The cull of cattle has happened due to TB said to be spread by badgers and also because of Mad Cow disease. Bird flu has been used as a pretext. So precidents have already been set, but how is a very pertinent question.

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And of course Bill Gates is now the owner of the largest amount of farmland and buying more everyday. He has said in interviews that cattle need to be replaced with plant based meat to curb greenhouse gases of course. He is not a very good liar and is exposing them every time he opens his mouth. He told the CIA in a briefing that the world coulkd be depopulated by 15% just using vaccines.

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