Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by threadsirish

I used to go for walks with my wife down along the river beside Galway university, as did most of Galway seeing as we were all told we could not go anywhere or do anything. Then the university decided to place three layers of barriers on the path to stop people walking along the river, maybe to protect the non-students and non-staff who were not in buildings fifty metres from the path?

People being people, they just started climbing over a stone wall besides the barriers, which now meant - if the pandemic was real - thousands of unnecessary close contacts every day as people queued up to pass each other, not to mention they were all touching the same bit of wall.

Anyway, one day we came across a woman who'd fallen off the wall, and could not walk, and while my wife rang back to get a first aid kit, I just thought "fuck it" and started dismantling the barriers, as people where now climbing over this poor women.

With the barriers removed, and the ambulance called, people started to just walk through the open path... but not everyone. Some people continued to climb over the wall, the reason being they were good little lab rats.

I have no doubt these same people still drive around, alone, in cars, double masked, and think people like me, the asozial, who have failed to pass their loyalty tests, should be made examples of to others (death would be letting us of, but to be impoverished and made mad would be good enough).

I think fighting this madness is the moral position to take, but for me, when I realised the level of that madness we're up against, and control, and the complete brainwashing of once highly rational people, friends and family, what is the point?

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Fascinating story Andy. This whole shenanigans over the last 3 years must have the psychologists salivating as to the inner workings of the human mind and how we behave. It truly has been something to behold...

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Excuse me, but most of us psychologists are recoiling in horror at the unethical and immoral use of applied Behavioural and nudge psychology. Applied to the public in the service of psychopaths who want to destroy our lives, mental health, and livelihoods.

Encore will be climate change as it’s so pressing that more of us should just euthanise ourselves one way or another. Utter BS of course, just like C19 was a dreadful killer virus. That just as Heneghan and Ionedes said from the start had an IFR like flu

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There is a fork in the road after this plandemic. We had to pick one and resonate a certain way. Doesn't really matter if we say it publicly or not, just that you yourself know your resonance. Sure, we are disappointed in people around us. And have learned that we have been over mixing our resonance with too many. It is good we know this, a little sadder in hearts maybe, but we move on in more awareness and that's a blessing. Blessings to you, Andy, barriers and walls, up there in Galway. The West Awake, the West Awake.

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I suppose it's another form of learnt helplessness, that you are awake, but that just means you can see what's coming, when most people are wilfully dozing into oblivion? The sad fact is that people just don't want to be told, and will do anything they can to avoid the truth. Or maybe it's like that old saying, the pessimistic Jews ended up with swimming pools in LA, and the optimistic a mass grave. I take a little courage from the traveler community, who seem to be just left to do what they they want, as they're beyond re-education or reform or conformity. Maybe madness is a form of camouflage?

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Have you read Joel Smalley's latest analyses of excess deaths and the jabs? Start with the following article and read through the next nine.



Igor Chudov (US) has done a similar analysis.


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I'm afraid that almost everyone is so complicate in what went on, and so corrupted by it, each jabbed person going on to convince the people they love and care about to also get jabbed, first by love, then by emotional coercion, aided by state intimidation, that you could provide then with 100% rock solid proof of the evil they were part of, and they'd still parrot lines like "but think how many people would have died if we'd not taken the vaccine/lockdown", even as the bodies pile up around them (I've never in my life known so people to be dying around me). That's why the universality of it was was so effective, and just as de-nazification never worked, neither will de-covid-vacine-ificvation, and will - and has - just become "don't mention the war!". The only thing that's going to happen is every nonconformist has flushed themselves out, and can now be identified for special treatment in the next great leap forward ("do you remember writing this comment in 2022 sir?", says the camouflage and M4 carrying traffic warden when they come to your door).

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I agree that the jabbed are highly motivated not to go down that dark alley for the reasons who enumerate. Sadly, I think the truth will be too hard to ignore sooner rather than later. Per Igor Chudov, the correlation between double-jabbed and excess mortality has increased with time. I live in the US in a bluish-purple state. While the interventions were unpleasant, they were nothing like the problems in blue states (California and New York) or in Ireland. I know several triple-jabbed who have said no more. Some stopped and two jabs. Hold the line. Refuse to comply. Don't lose hope.

They will lose.

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The Line will be drawn, and one must choose.

Fear is a common motivator, but is it the one that should be calling the shots?

True, no one sane gets all excited about being tortured to death, and many would rather be The Torturer, than the tortured, so make such a decision right now, and have done with it!

Even should the reality be to stand for Truth, and die a honorable death, or to accept the lie, and be allowed to continue crawling along on one's belly, which I believe to be the case, irregardless of whether or not any of us "like" such.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by threadsirish

Well said! Good on you for being so brave and principled and trying to wake people up throughout this whole crazy time. Like you, I’ve tried to warn people over many months but most don’t want to know. They don’t want their cosy, safe view of the world upended. I’ve been fortunate that some friends and family are awake and they keep me sane. I’ve learned not to waste my time on the asleep people but I’ll still try with those that seem somewhat open or curious.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by threadsirish

Great read as always and have shared on Twitter. I agree that these people should not be forgiven unless they sincerely apologise and admit they were wrong. Right from the start, and it was that picture in China where the guy falls over and puts his arms out to stop the fall, I knew this was bullshit. I’m not sure if you ever took the PCR test or sat in the garden or wore the mask but if I’d been asked I wouldn’t have complied, simply because it was just feeding their paranoia and I would’ve left them to it. Great that you’ve been proven right by sticking to the facts and shame on all those who shut the likes of you and me and other people speaking the truth down and only hope they now have the courage to admit they were deceived and make reparations. I won’t hold my breathe.

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Powerful write, so brave of you through these past two years. So much equanimity and composure comes across. Though I'm sure, not at all times during the madness. So eloquently written and I think cathartic for you and all your followers. There is a change in the air, right in the midst of these days. Sometimes a lull, sometimes synchronicity abounds. You writing this, is an exorcism of sorts. I was not in the country, didn't feel what you wrote but sense it. It's in every landscape, every face. We'd all like to scream it out, this wetiko. Finally I sense it moving on. We have been anvils thrust into the fire, sadly, some have broken, others got way stronger. ThreadsIrish, I salute you, great post, see you on the other side. Phoeagdor.

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Thank you very much.

Anvils thrust into the fire. I like that. Permission to steal it 😉

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Sounds like someone is scared of Nuremberg 2.0. i hope they're all shaking in their boots.

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Forgive each other? What do the vax-injured and vax-bereaved have to be forgiven for, exactly? "I'm so sorry I'm permanently paralysed, please forgive me"?

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by threadsirish

Good to see you back writing, I myself have had 5 Twitter accounts nuked for reasons unbeknown to me people really have been hypnotised by the convid cluster f**k!!

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Cheers Phil. Finding time is proving very difficult at the moment. Life getting in the way, that's a good thing though.

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Best way to be, whilst all the sh*ts going on in the background it’s best to live to the max but being fully aware of the situation

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by threadsirish

I am currently a patient in St. Vincent's hospital, one of the nation's largest teaching hospitals.

I am actually THE ONLY person who is not wearing a mask. Who is teaching who precisely what in here? Long coats demand the student doctors ignore science to signal subservience.

Just one shred of Stephen Donnelly's "Oodles of evidence", not statements from Corrupted US CDC, just one scientific paper with real challenge able data?

In the absence of this, nobody can doubt a syllable from ThreadIrish.

So sad 😷

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It’s staggering really. Our local GP is the same. Still signs outside the door saying a mask must be worn.

So let’s say a patient goes in with a mouth ulcer. Does the patient leave their mask on throughout or does he go back home and schedule a Zoom call with his GP so the GP can look inside his mouth through his computer screen. We wouldn’t want the GP to catch Covid. Let’s not forget in most instances the patient is vaccinated as is the GP.

Ridiculous doesn’t even come close to describing it…

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by threadsirish

As usual, you are bang on!

Your summing up sentences reminded me - I was driving down Park Lane around 30 years ago and a radio programme stunned me when the narrator was talking about the way people turned on each other during the last world war, snitching on the whereabouts of the resistance or jewish people and she said 'this could easily happen again, such is human nature'. I was appalled when I heard that as well as disbelieving and now, here we are . . .

Amnesty, forgiveness? No. Never. 'We didn't know' - yes, they did.

Only last week my son told me a friend's boss, aged 35, perfectly fit, died suddenly. A guy who works for my son, aged 29 had to go to A&E twice last week as he has difficulty breathing and only had the second jab to go to Poland to see his family and now has heart damage. I managed to stop my son from getting jabbed (bribery and haranguing!) even though he wanted to go skiing. The nefarious actions of governments to purposely coerce everyone into getting the jab to go on holiday is something I will NEVER forgive. All the lovely young friends of my son, 26 year olds now, all double jabbed with who knows what? It makes my blood boil and I want these deceivers behind bars - top of my list: Vallace, Witty and Van Tam as well as Hancock, Zahawi and everyone else advertising the lies of 'safe and effective'.

Unlike you, from the get go, I was not concerned about keeling over with this virus: 'hey, I don't want to die right now but at least if I do there's no chance of me ending up in a nursing home, wetting my knickers and drinking orange squash!' (death is far preferable!). I did at the outset worry that the young must be dying when my son 23 then, came home from London as we were all locked down.

Covid was removed from the govt HCID list in March 2020, which made me chant 'this is not Ebola so what is going on here?' then by chance, I came across Dr Michael Yeadon on Twitter who commented that lockdown is not how you treat a respiratory virus, so by March/April 2020 I was questioning everything.

The biggest give away that there was some fraud going on was the 'da dah we have a vaccine'!! UK government kept banging on and on that vaccination would be the way out to get our freedoms back and I questioned why on earth they would say that as it wouldn't happen - vaccines take years to develop . . . and now we know this was the plan all along, multiple jabs (still in EU authorisation until 2023 with Phase 2 & 3 trials ongoing within the population) with digital ID's/jab passes being the plan leading nicely onto CBDC/social credit score system in order to cover up the theft of our money by corrupt central bankers and inept/corrupt politicians. This is why governments have given the biggest push to crash our economies and way of life, to provide cover for their criminality. They must really hate us, is all I can say.

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I was away for the weekend and was talking to a guy who called me a Conspiracy Theorist 18 months ago. Very nice guy.

He has had 2 doses of the vaccine but is now questioning things. He admitted many of his friends have got Myocarditis. He was adamant that he won’t get the booster. He knows there is something going on but admitted that he just couldn’t face up to that uncomfortable truth for a while. He is starting to go down the 🐇 🕳 It may be a slow process but it’s a start.

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To me, these instances you describe here are the most painful to watch.

It hurts me deep knowing that evil corrupted the beings that are pushing this pogrom, and that my paranoid aspects saved little me, while all the good and normal, socially well-adjusted folks (which I have mixed feelings towards) are paying the worst price imaginable, having placed trust in their "superiors".

A painful nightmare is not what we imagine for our children and ourselves when we ponder this life...

The wicked men and women that are complicit with this whole treachery are mostly beyond the ability to repent, as they are sociopaths.

What a horrible ordeal for we humans to endure, period, no matter what side of the madness we find ourselves on.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by threadsirish

The complicit must be caught and held to account. So many behaved like despotic Nazis! This war against our very society is far from over. All the betrayal of liberty being achieved by despotism and indoctrinated fear of a disease that has a Virulence, less than 1% No amnesty!

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Thank you for your powerful story. We need to be reminded of how bad it got. I lost an angel I was proud to call my mother. But for Covid she would be alive. That is hard to forgive.

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So sorry to hear that Geoffrey 😞

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Well said, well said.

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And they aren't done with us. The war continues. Don't comply.

I remember the first time I watched CAF on Planet Lockdown. She scared the hell out of me, and I really hoped she was crazy.

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In case you haven't seen this, here is a powerful video about the hidden eugenics program. Hoping it gets the message across. https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html

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You will find like 100 years ago when they did the same that the people who created this mess are the people who excuse themselves...

Politicians Pedophile Psychopaths

See the bigger picture!


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Twitter has had bots and even real people monitor all comments looking for truth tellers. If you say the "wrong" words you are stopped in your tracks and banned, deleted or suspended, many cases permanently. Twitter is a government backed system to track your data which is then stored for future use. This will be evident the day communism goes into full effect in the USA. Right now it isn't in every State but just wait and see what 2024 will bring. They will be hell bent on pushing their NWO agenda to the max to join in with the WEF agenda reset!

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