Have You Heard Of Rockefeller’s “Clever Together” Document ?
If you’re familiar with the covid "Lockstep" document from 2010 then you need to read this. More pieces of the jigsaw will slot seamlessly into place.
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Back in November 2021 I wrote a 🧵 on the “Lockstep” scenario which appeared in "Scenarios For The Futures of Technology". Little attention however has been payed to the 3 other scenarios: Clever Together, Hack Attack and Smart Scramble.

The primary reason for this is that it is practically impossible to get a copy of the document and comment on it. Amazingly, it seems to have vanished online, or at least it is very difficult to find.
Fortunately, I downloaded a copy over two years ago and kept it.
Secondly, the majority of people paid little attention to the other 3 scenarios as they thought it was just the lockstep “scenario” playing out.
That is unfortunately very far from the truth. Clever Together is also playing out, in more ways than you can imagine.
So what is the Clever Together scenario ? According to the document…
CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent & entrenched worldwide issues
Even the title "Clever Together" explains a lot.
The global elite are basically telling the masses how clever they are in working together as a team. This will all become clear in the 🧵 It is quite literally hidden in plain sight.
I have screen captured the entire “Clever Together” (CT) section of the Rockefeller document. CT is explained as is the role of technology, philanthropy and what life would look like under CT.
Pretty scary to put it mildly.
If you don't want to read all of it just now (although I recommend you do at some stage as it is only 8 pages) you can scroll down below as I will pull out the most important parts of the document & comment on them in the rest of the 🧵.
Let’s zone in on what “Clever Together” (CT) covers by pulling out the most significant findings from the document (screen grabs are from the document)
Keep in mind throughout that this document was written in 2010. See if anything I cover has come to pass since then 😉
One of the central tenets of CT is that it really concentrates on the role climate change will have to play globally over the coming years and in particular carbon dioxide levels.
We see this every day in the media. It is relentless.
So what we are seeing here is Problem, Reaction, Solution just like for the last few years. There was a “virus/pandemic” (problem). Everyone is going to die (MSM reaction). Cue the Vaccine (solution).
Except in this instance it’s climate change and CO2 levels (problem). We have to save the planet (MSM reaction). Only action by governments globally can save it (solution).
The document talks about nations having to work together on a global scale citing the important role the internet would have to play. Working individually doesn't solve the problem. You have to work as a global team.
Does this sound remotely familiar ? World Economic Forum ?
But how would all this come about ?
In 2015, UN Agenda 21 became UN Agenda 2030 when all nations would work together to fight climate change. The Paris agreement on climate change was also drafted in 2015.
Funny they knew about this in 2010 🙄
There was also the problem of carbon emissions. How could they solve that ? One way would be through corporations having chief carbon officers. Isn’t it amazing that WEF member Rabo Bank have exactly that.
What a coincidence.

Your energy use would also be capped through smart grids. Don't forget that smart meters have been and will continue to be installed in properties as well.
This is one of the best ways of monitoring and screening your energy use as they point out.
Because these initiatives were so successful for climate change they could then be rolled out to other areas such as (yes you guessed it) big pharma and technology.
This would be through globalism and governance. In other words, control.
This would all be done by govts using data & tech for surveillance. However the downside of this was that countries would lose their sovereignty due to the global govt. The UN would also become more important.
Sound familiar ?
This is all about control of the population.
These same governments would also work in tandem with corporations & NGOs. This sounds a lot like the World Economic Forum and partner members.
The Great Reset and Building Back Better coming to fruition.
Who better to fund all this than the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Although not mentioned, the document references “seed funding to scientists" plus research into malaria. Gates has given billions of funding to scientists, universities & malaria.

Philanthropy would also play a huge role in “Clever Together”. The biggest philanthropist organisation of all is BMGF who is undoubtedly working with govts and the UN.
BMGF is also one of the biggest donors to the WHO who have been calling all the shots for the last 3 years.
Africa would benefit the most from this global cooperation and there would be a big push for solar energy and countries going green.
Except Africa hasn’t benefited at all, has it ? It is just used as the testing ground for global corporations on an unsuspecting public.
According to the document problems arose though due to all these changes. A food production crisis would happen by 2028.
It was also Gates who warned us there would be a food crisis, notwithstanding the fact he is the largest landowner in US.
One solution to the meat problems envisaged would be to invest in meat free products to feed the world. Gates has an interest in Beyond Meat & Impossible Foods.
This is how life is envisaged under "Clever Together". Save the planet, eat less meat.
And how do you fund all this ? You know the answer, you employ the brightest minds who have access to your data.
The document makes no bones that they see it as a huge opportunity but that it is also healthier.
Have you looked at Gates recently ? A picture of health.
But that's not all. Technology has a central role to play in “Clever Together” especially when combatting disease, climate change & energy shortages.
This is all done by accessing data. Your data. They even tell you.
What if the document was to tell you that nanosensors, surveillance & smart/mega cities are key. It does just that.
Agenda 2030 is about moving people into mega cities out of the countryside.
I covered all this in a 🧵 I did on 15 min smart cities.

There is also a nod to the the WEF’s 4th Industrial Revolution & artificial intelligence as they mention “advances in low-cost mind-controlled prosthetics”
Technology will also be the driving factor behind the green move to solar power and therefore climate change.
If you have come this far & read the 🧵 in its entirety then you can be left in no doubt that all the above is playing out. As I've already stressed the document was written in 2010, we are now in 2023.
How could they have got nearly everything right. Hardly a coincidence.
Fact checkers can try and debunk as much as they want but the facts are plain to see. These same fact checking companies are funded by the very same organisations they are defending so no conflict of interest at all...
The truth is "Clever Together" like "Lockstep" is not a scenario which might happen. It's actually a "live" blueprint which is continuously honed, refined & improved.
Maybe these globalists aren't as clever as they think. They certainly aren't "Clever Together".
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Well Irish- the results are all in, and everything should be clear as day, right?
This earthly struggle (WAR) for our lives' most important aspects hasn't seemed to do as much to wake up the sleepwalkers as many of us were hopeful for, has it? Or am I being too grim?
The line has been drawn, and it is not in sand, yet the bulk of the masses are remaining oblivious, by choice moreso than ignorance, at this point.
Soon, the war will pull in everyone and everything, destroying this Earth further, which is only a smallish part of the wicked agenda, with the destruction of the human soul an even larger part of the picture, regardless if any will admit such.
Soon, the people will be killing the saints and prophets, what few there are that remain...
The thirst for blood is a tantalizing force for many -too many, and so it will go.
Flee the cities. Go to the mountains - literally and metaphorically.
Blessings for all of the children.
This started decades earlier with the Club of Rome and their malthusian Limits to Growth report. To bring in global government it seems NATO was tasked with achieving compliance militarily, while Tavistock and it's offspring were to build the "new man" starting with the Aquarian Revolution of the astroturfed/psyoped hippy/new age era. Climate change has been a scam from the beginning, all they were searching for was crises that would drive the masses towards global governance. The even tried scaring the masses with an impending ice-age initially. These people are playing illusions on the walls of a Plato's Cave they created for us long ago, the anxiety and nihilism inducing illusions are occasionally switched up to maintain "Future Shock", but the agenda and ultimate goal never changes.