I hate eugenics and sterilization programs!

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Ditto 👍

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As usual spot on 👍🏻 brilliantly researched again, are ya gonna go back on twitter?

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Many thanks. I appealed my ban 2 weeks ago but still 🦗

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This is really interesting and well researched. Thank you!

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Thank you 🙏

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Good grief, this really is a well orchestrated, devious, corrupt SH1T show.

Some good news - seems Thailand maybe first country to null and void the Pfizer contracts . . . here's hoping. Truth is escaping.

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Thanks for writing this up. Wishing you a Happy Christmas (as they say in Ireland) from Houston. My “revenge” to make this one of the nicest holidays ever for my family of five in the face of it all. And keep the faith that “God is not mocked” no matter how dark it looks now and for the future.

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Wow! You sure have done some digging and isn't this just peachy that the WEF has also infiltrated TikTok...Thanks for this amazing work.

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How many of that TeamHALO are dead due to the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jabs?

If none... This is very sad news to me.

MUST NOT READ: Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination


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I often think about how children have become the most targeted group of humanity and would love to know what we could do to change that. Any ideas?

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Any ideas on how to CHANGE Irresponsible, Ignorant and Idiot degenerate uman animals?

Well... If you're looking for having results in a short period of time, there is nothing to be done! Just sit back relax and enjoy the shit show, and cross fingers waiting that the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jabs CULLS most of the receivers.

If you want to try to CHANGE degenerate uman animals, and you enjoy wasting your short Lifetime on this Planet with that delusion you're in for an ENORMOUS ENDEAVOR. And in the End... nothing!

To reduce the levels of Idiocy and Ignorance the tasks aren't that difficult.

As for the Irresponsible Trait... bare in mind that degenerate uman animals will do anything to keep being Irresponsible.

A little test if you don't mind!

Do you vote?

If you replied 'yes' then you're Irresponsible. Try CHANGING this...

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You’ve been killing it lately... keep it up!

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Like all these propagandists it always comes back to the saying ‘follow the money’. Well done on another well researched, simply constructed and informed article. I’ll share on Twitter now seen as you’re still off it.

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Thanks for retweeting. Hope to be back on Twitter soon. Still waiting on my appeal. 🦗 at the moment.

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I see you’re back on Twitter. Great to see you back. Just about to read the carbon footprint tweet.

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No problem. I’m still shadow banned so I know my reach is restricted but at least it’s put up there. Hope to see you back soon.

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