Oct 24, 2022Liked by threadsirish

I absolutely agree with everything here. I believe the Truss appointment was known to be for a short caretaker time as the members would never have backed the guy who stabbed Boris, so they roll out Liz with the carrot of )£115K for life as a pay off, the banks colluded to short the £ so that there was a financial crisis, leaving a clear path for Sunak. Just look at her smirking during her 'resignation' speech - her face and body language was not that of a woman in any way concerned/sorry/anquished. I am raging. Sunak will take us into CBDC and it will be PROGRAMMABLE, people need to wake up! I detest these politicians and bankers - together their corruption has bankrupted us all but they will ensure their funds are intact.

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The smirk was so telling. A payoff with lots more to come undoubtedly as long as she plays by the rules. The whole world really is a stage. These politicians are nothing more than actors..

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Something made me uneasy when I was watching her . . . it didn't make sense but I did then know that Sunak would ride over the horizon to 'save' us! The Chancellor who printed £500billion, who never stood up for business against lockdown, who came up with the crackpot idea of bounce back loans to newly incorporated fraudulent companies and that alone has cost the UK taxpayer around £23 billion as these companies closed as soon as they got the money - he did EVERYTHING to quicken our economic decline. He's a fraud and a liar.

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I’ve just remembered what it reminded me of. It was when Hancock was interviewed after the vax came out. He smirked in much the same way. Dupers Delight, I believe it’s called when they knowingly are deceiving the public.

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Yes! - he did!

We must vote for the new political party emerging - Reform UK - they are very sceptical about WHO, WEF, UN and want open discussion on climate change and have had Brian Catt address their conference with the data which proves this is a hoax.

Thanks for such an insightful piece, I have been pinging it to everyone I know! People need to wake up to the fact we are being scammed.

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It’s all your fault, my latest article on “Duping Delight”🧵 😉 Thanks for giving me the idea 👍


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Another idea, as this is part of what is going on and will be a distraction as well as another reason to bring in CBDC's on top of 'Covid' and 'Putin' excuses, the whole propaganda around the Ukraine situation, listen to Col Richard Black: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mQiCcW80Qw

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by threadsirish

Great work as always. My guess was that WEF Truss would implement policies that, say, Reform or another populist party might run on - that's killed anyone doing that again deader than a hammer. The BoE will coup you faster than you can say "Nathaniel de Rothschild".

There is no reason why Sunak couldn't have won first time round. There is also no reason why Truss couldn't have run on the same policies that Sunak will use. These people are completely interchangeable. This was done for a very specific reason.

It's absolutely hilarious (in a dark humour way) that the lame duck Boris regime was bobbing along with no crisis of the magnitude that Truss "created". My General Theory of Current Year Politics these days is run on a manifesto of "do nothing". As in, literally do nothing. It would be massively popular in countries like France, Spain and Italy and now, it looks like, the UK too.

As for Boris running, what on Earth is that about? He literally just resigned. WTF?

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Great points. Everyone is interchangeable as you say. It is almost as if they are all clones of each other, but maybe that’s a discussion for another day 🤣

I have to admit to wetting myself when I read Boris was flying back from his holidays and people lapping it up. It all makes for great theatre until people begin to understand what is really going on…

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Thank you mate. I have to say, one of the best things I have heard in a long time was Delingpole's interview with BoJo's former squeeze Jennifer Arcuri. You can start at the 20 minute mark for all the best bits. That interview genuinely blew my mind.


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I listened to that as well a while back. It was so revealing. Love Delingpole’s stuff. Totally madcap with his crap WiFi, dogs barking, phones going off etc 🤣 Top notch content though.

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It's completely amateur hour, I love it. I would really like to go out for a few beers with Delingpole, I bet he's a right laugh.

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Great article.

How is it possible (defies logic), that so-called WEF (accountable to no one ) are able pull strings and steer their agenda giving total disregard to peoples' wishes. This simply illustrates that the democratic systems have been bought out 🤑People chhoices no longer matter because of corrupted systems set up by global elites.

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Thank you. I can’t think of one system that hasn’t been bought off. You are 100% correct.

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Fantastic work Thread's, great to see it, I've missed your updates

The pace has definitely picked up, how people can possibly still think any of this is normal or real beats me.

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Fine article, Mr Threads!

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Come on all the parties are the mouthpiece piece of the evil cult there evil agenda 2030 net zero and reset is the cult and all main world parties back this evil up they are puppets the only ones in the Uk IS TIM TICE REFORM UK the only vote of the people if not all over

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My God! 3 Prime Minsters since Boris Johnston and no general election. WTF!

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How we fix Politics

You are right in everything.

Liz couldn't be Trussed.

Sunak even less.

I took the liberty and Translated his first speech as PM from the double speak he double speaks into english we all can understand.

After all we must not forget that he implements the WEF goal with Infosys the company of his wife.


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Excellent piece - thank you for helping fill in the gaps

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