This is an excellent article and I heartily endorse your recommendation to watch The Great Global Warming Swindle. It’s a brilliant documentary that explains the science very simply and clearly - it’s not nearly as mysterious and complicated as we’ve been led to believe. I’m trying to get my friends to see the connection between the Covid hoax, media manipulation and all the hysteria about “climate change”. Wish me luck!

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You are very kind, thank you. You are quite right, it is not “Rocket Science” although the powers that be would want you to believe that it really is complicated.

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Watched The Great Global Warming Swindle last night.

interesting viewing, but it is 15 yrs old. I'd love to see what those guys have to say today? have you any other more recent sources? I also found it a bit crazy that the whole thing stemmed from Thatcher way back in the day?!

also I listened to Prof Ray Bates interview recently, he asserts that CO2 cause temp increases, but the actual effects of this are not as bad as predicted..

all in all I'd be interested in understanding the topic better, but it seems like there is so much conflicting info :-)

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Human-induced climate change is like Covid now - you’re not allowed to question the narrative or you get branded a ‘denier’ or a ‘heretic’. But I presume the 31,487 scientists who signed the Oregon Petition in 1998 and again in 2007 saying:

“There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

would still feel the same way. https://defyccc.com/oregon-petition/

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Another great article. The article written by Bellamy is excellent and informative.

Climate change is taking place but has always taken place since the beginning of time.

I have read a lot of articles regarding this. It’s not just Bellamy who was silenced. Many others including scientists, head of US agencies, politicians who went against the narrative were removed, their voices silenced.

There was a recent article stating that CNN were about to start a huge scare campaign similar to covid but on climate change.

The western leaders are going to impoverish their country and citizens with trillions spent on CO2 reduction.

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Very good point about 1,000s of others being silenced. I expect the Covid propaganda will pale into insignificance compared to the climate change narrative.

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For more on Sir David Attenborough, it is worth reading Dr. Susan Crockford's book, Fallen Icon: Sir David Attenborough and the Walrus Deception.

The 'cancelling' of Dr. David Bellamy was a tragic wrong, and those responsible must be held to account, notably George Moonbat, who acted as a public attack-dog for those too cowardly to show their faces.

So-called "climate science" is pseudoscience. It uses the institutions and credentials of science to claim false credibility, but it has been completely captured by totalitarian politics ever since three extreme leftists, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Bert Bolin, and the loathsome éminence grise behind much of the totalitarian power-grab we are seeing today, Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil-billionaire and UN apparatchik who hid in China when he was caught stealing from the Iraqi 'oil for food' program, only to be brought secretly back to Canada by the corrupt Canadian elites.

Strong may well be as influential a force for evil in the 20th century as Lenin, Mao and Hitler, but his actions remain in the shadows. For example, Strong is responsible for the idea of weaponizing NGOs, effectively turning charities into hidden, unaccountable extensions of government.

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Many thanks for reminding me about Maurice Strong. He was instrumental in setting up the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 which was the beginning of all countries globally signing up to Agenda 2030.

As for Moonbat 🤣 he is just another alarmist and WEF lackey.

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Love your work... great article!

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Cheers John 👍

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Brilliant. Thank you for this!

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Thanks Scott and thanks for the retweet 👍

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So well expressed. More words to my thoughts. CB

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Cheers, thank you 😊

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There is just no pleasing the folks over at the WEF, just how many developed countries have to have “below replacement rate” total fertility to satisfy their extreme demands?? Meanwhile why is it that the people-as-plague doomsayers never offer themselves to be “part of the solution,” as it were?

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All of them. The WEF is a genuinely crazy religious cult. The key word is "Sustainability" which for them means the correct and natural allotment of the world's resources to a particular species, from which can be deduced how many members of that species ought to exist. Anything above that is stealing from Mother Gaia, an unforgivable blasphemy.

The Georgia Guidestones say 500 million ought to be the maximum number of humans permitted by "Sustainability." Others think the human population should be no greater than the chimp population in order to be "Sustainable." The most hardline fanatics hold that humanity has committed an original sin against Gaia simply by becoming self-conscious, and deserves complete extinction.

In any totalitarian revolution, the most fanatical faction always wins.

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Anyone who signs up to the World Economic Forum's membership has ill intentions as they represent a Satanic agenda aimed at a one world governance, depopulation and the destruction of life as we know it. Humanity stands at a crossroad, either we say enough is enough and take their power away and ours back or continue to comply with their demands. The clock is ticking.

Your report is brilliant as it's informative on many levels and is much appreciated. Thank you.

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Thank for your kind words 😀

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Thank you for an excellent report on the climate change hoax.

Anyone who is a supporter of the Satanic World Economic Forum is not to be trusted as they do not have the people's best interests at heart. They are following Klaus Schwab's 2030 Agenda an evil ideology which is a programme of depopulation, Net Zero and a digitalised one world governance serving the global predators and their $trillion corporations.

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100% on everything you say👍

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So well expressed. More words to my thoughts. CB

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It's so pleasant to read this article. Because I've been sick and tired of this crazy world. Propaganda, virtue signaling, warmongers, Covidians, mask cultists...

This is the first article of yours I've read. I'm looking forward to reading next one.

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CNN were caught by a Project Veritas hidden camera sting, where a senior executive admitted, on a fake Tinder 'date', that the "Climate Crisis" was going to be the next Fear Pron now that the Plebs weren't being scared by the 'Couff' any longer.

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