Why Are Children Under Attack From Sesame Street & The World Economic Forum ? More Importantly What Are You Going To Do About It ?
If you have been on Twitter at all for the last week, you would have heard the breaking news that little, cute, adorable Elmo from Sesame Street got vaccinated. What a brave little chap he is. I’m sure that needle penetrating the fur would really have hurt him.
‘There was a little pinch, but it was okay,’ Elmo said in the PSA after receiving his first Covid vaccination
To the sheeple out there (and I hate being derogatory but this time it’s called for) if people genuinely think this is really sweet then you need your head examined.
Ted Cruz was very quick off the mark and quite correct when he
Targeted 'Sesame Street' for Not Citing Science in Elmo Vaccination
Naturally the big social media accounts were on board and did the tried and trusted “ad hominem” attacks on Cruz as well as calling everyone an anti-vaxxer if they disagreed with Elmo getting the jab.
However, Elmo isn’t the first Sesame Street character to be vaccinated. Big Bird got jabbed as well. Granny Bird was also used and abused for the propaganda exercise.
“Big Bird & Granny Bird share their COVID vaccine experience and explain the importance of vaccines in keeping us safe and healthy!”
Remember it’s all about being in it together and keeping Granny safe. This is propaganda of the highest order except its even more sinister than we are lead to believe.
Hardly surprisingly the usual suspects are involved. The World Economic Forum (WEF) are pulling the strings yet again.
A name you have probably never heard of is Lesley Bourns. She is the Senior Director, Advocacy, Humanitarian Programs at Sesame Workshop and is a WEF member
That in itself is a big enough deal but it gets worse when you see that Sesame Workshop is also a partner member
This hasn’t just happened recently though. This has been ongoing since 2020 and in all likelihood a lot longer.
If you go back to Oct 2, 2020 on the World Economic Forum site an article appeared saying that Sesame Workshop’s Sherrie Westin joined the Forum’s Great Reset podcast to talk about her hopes for a reset in education.
Resetting education: lessons from Sesame Street on helping a generation at risk. This week's Great Reset podcast
Westin has quite the resume prior to Sesame Street and has very close ties to politicians as well as the media. According to Wikipedia
“After school, she worked at a public relations marketing firm in Georgetown; and then went to her firm's primary client, the Georgetown Business and Professional Association. She then worked for Ronald Reagan 1984 presidential campaign and then as head of communications for a Washington firm.
In 1992, she was appointed as the first assistant secretary for public affairs at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD) then headed by New York Republican U.S. Representative Jack Kemp Her high-profile position was noticed by the chairman of ABC News, Roone Arledge, who recruited her to become the head of communications of the division.
She left ABC News to serve as Assistant to the President for Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs under President George H.W. Bush. After his term was over, she returned to ABC as executive vice president of network communications”
She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations and was founded by David Rockefeller and Paul Warburg in 1921. Both had very close ties to the banking sector and both families still do in 2022.
Back to Sesame Street though.
All the ducks were lined up in a row from the very outset. The Great Reset had only been announced in July 2020 yet here we were only 3 months later talking about a Reset in Education.
Quite simply there is no other word for this except “GROOMING”. Kids were and continue to be targeted from the get-go. The purpose has and will continue to be putting fear into kids. When they see Mum and Dad go out putting their masks on and social distancing and then putting masks on their kids, the children are being trained to obey government, whatever government says must be correct. It must be best for you. And so they know better than Mum and Dad.
You may think this sounds far-fetched. Grover, another Sesame Street character appeared in a mask in an episode.
This is propaganda and indoctrination going hand in hand and it will impact kids the greatest. The intention is for kids to grow up different to their parents.
The whole world was shut down and kids were frightened and scared. The goal is for kids to continue growing up with that mentality. As far as they are concerned the answer to the problems are government. Trust in your Government and let them be the sole source of intervention.
A few months later they took it up a notch where Grover yet again made an appearance on a Zoom call.
Sesame Street to Host Another ABCs of COVID-19 — See a Sneak Peek Starring Super Grover
In the special, the experts and their puppet pals will "answer children's questions about staying healthy through the winter months, celebrating the holidays while distanced from extended family and friends and coping with big feelings as they continue to face unprecedented challenges in their young lives," according to the release.
The expert was Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a very well known face on TV who said
"This winter and the next few months are gonna be challenging, but you know what? I'm pretty hopeful, with the vaccines on the way, that we are gonna get through this,"
Another 30 minute zoom call where kids were basically being “groomed”. Comments were turned off as they would have anticipated negative pushback.
An interesting aside is that Dr Sanjay Gupta appeared in the 2011 film Contagion where the accompanying headline is “Nothing Spreads Like Fear”
According to wikipedia
The plot concerns the spread of a virus transmitted by respiratory droplets and fomites, attempts by medical researchers and public health officials to identify and contain the disease, the loss of social order in a pandemic, and the introduction of a vaccine to halt its spread.
Sounds familiar doesn’t it. In a clear case of predictive programming, Gupta, a recognised face on mainstream TV is under orders to work in tandem with Sesame Street to “educate” children on Covid with the end goal being the vaccination. A vaccination which no child needs.
There certainly is an ABC of vaccines according to Sesame Street except its slightly different to the one on the Zoom Call. The sheeple need to start waking up and educating themselves as well as relearning the “new normal" alphabet.
B is for bells palsy
C is for clots
D is for death
E is for embolism
H is for heart attack
M is for myocarditis
P is for pericarditis
S is for stroke
The children are under attack. What are you going to do about it ?
The Pharma and Elite need to be caught and jailed for all this mass murder they are doing
I created a petition to declare the WEF a Terrorist Organization...
I wrote a vote of no confidence in the Government.
And I will continue the fight.
Problem is the blind and deaf are lead by stupid...