The Pharma and Elite need to be caught and jailed for all this mass murder they are doing

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Yes they do. The problem is for the most part the judicial system is also bought and paid for as well. Getting justice will prove to be difficult. I fear this only ends in violence with people on the streets. They want the complete breakdown of society which they are doing their best to achieve. Then the RESET…

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They have been 'caught' ... red-handed, with their proverbial hands-in-the-cookie jar, but it hasn't caused them any bother because they OWN everything and almost everyone. So, they are flying above the law. The more disturbing part for the rest of us is that appears to have been happening since at least the Kennedy assassination period. These days, 'they' don't even bother trying to hide anything. Just as an example - witness how many times Fauci et al have been exposed actually LYING to their parliament about spending US tax-payer's money to experiment on monumentally illegal bio-weapons. Despite all the laws and conventions, what happened??? Sweet FA. Moreover, we just continue as though nothing has happened when we really should be throwing EVERY politician and bureaucrat into the dungeons.

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I created a petition to declare the WEF a Terrorist Organization...

I wrote a vote of no confidence in the Government.

And I will continue the fight.

Problem is the blind and deaf are lead by stupid...

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Very good article, thanks for connecting the dots from the WEF to Sesame Street. All a part of their re-education effort.

Also, didn't realize Sanjay was in this movie or forgot about it, Don't think I've watched it since it first came out. Our old buddy, Sanjay, has been at this for some time. All a part of the "Big Picture". Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Yes Sanjay’s part was a very minor one admittedly. He is a decidedly forgettable character so no surprise that you didn’t remember. Also a crap actor as well. Thanks for linking.

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It makes me sick. Thank you for joining the dots. I shared this in my telegram channel 🙏🏻

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Many thanks Abby

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"What is the opposite of an anti-vaxxer?"

"Mass murderer."

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Thanks for mentioning the CFR, a key organization which interlocks with the Davos WEF. Billionaires Larry Fink (BlackRock), David Rubenstein (Carlyle) and Marc Benioff (Salesforce) are WEF trustees promoting the "great reset" agenda. Fink is a CFR director, Rubenstein is the CFR chairman, and Benioff, who now owns long-time CFR mouthpiece Time magazine, is a CFR member.

TV doctor Sanjay Gupta has been a member of the CFR propaganda team for the past 20 years. Roone Arledge of ABC News was a CFR member and director. George H.W. Bush was a CFR member and director.

See chart showing CFR media control: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

As usual, most of the key players on the "Biden team" are CFR members, including the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce, Agriculture, and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, UN ambassador, and dozens more.

Note that the CFR was not "founded by David Rockefeller and Paul Warburg in 1921". Paul Warburg was a founding CFR director, and the "architect of the Federal Reserve" a decade earlier. The Rockefellers were major CFR sponsors, and Rockefeller lawyer Allen Dulles was a CFR director for 40 years (1927-68). However, David Rockefeller was only 6 years old in 1921. He joined the CFR in 1942, was vice-president 1950-70, then chairman 1970-1985.

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Thanks for all that info, I’ve definitely learned a few new things there. Actually, over the coming weeks I have a few articles which will be examining the role of the Economist and Time Magazine in pushing along the agendas especially Mark Benioff for Time and The Rothschilds for the Economist.

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Here's a bit more...

Time/Life founder and editor Henry Luce was a CFR member (1934-66). His long-time assistant C.D. Jackson was an officer in the Psychological Warfare Division during WW2, then joined the CFR, worked closely with CIA/CFR director Allen Dulles, and was an organizer of the Bilderberg Group. See article: http://www.bilderberg.org/bildhist.htm

Evelyn de Rothschild was chairman of the Economist (1972-89) and a major shareholder. His current wife, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, has been an Economist director and a CFR member since 2002. She is founder of the "Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism" which interlocks with the CFR/WEF network, including the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, etc. See bio: https://www.coalitionforinclusivecapitalism.com/coalition-leadership/lynn-forester-de-rothschild/

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You’ve obviously had a sneak peak at my Economist research on the Rothschilds 😉 Great work 👍 Hope you don’t mind if I include some of that info. Will naturally credit it to your good self.

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Nothing. Let the Democrats murder their kids. Why? Because it’s what they love to do...

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You’ve got a point

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