Useless fact. In "The Marching Hammers" video you may recognise the person. Its Bob Geldof.

Bob also happens to be a World Economic Forum member !!


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Also the colors of the ukr genocidal nationalist red/black flag symbolizing blood and soil.

This really is terrifying. As FDR once said, in politics there are no coincidences.

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Cheers Terry. FDR was certainly on the money with that !!

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I think this article could be expanded, but it’s a great start.

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You are 100% spot on, it is very much on the short side compared to my normal ones. Unfortunately, I'm really tight on time this week and just wanted to get it out. Hopefully moving forward I'll be able to go down this rabbit hole some more.

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FYI: I hold a BA in sociology from the University of California (1975). While on campus I observed up close and personal, fully committed Communists/Marxists, posing as teaching assistants (TA's), carry out their well devised indoctrination of my fellow students into the global Marxists/socialist movement that today has manifest into the seizure of our Constitutional Republic.

Furthermore, over the decades since graduation, I have observed and studied the Marxist/Socialist progression in the United States - all the way forward to our dire situation now. Thus, immediately after O'Biden's 9/1/22 speech in front of Independence Hall; I began to analyze and decipher the president's belligerent statements, and I now fear greatly for my homeland and the future of my two granddaughters and have concluded that our Constitutional Republic has fallen and no longer exists!​

Karl Marx strategies: There are two fundamental Karl Marx strategies in play by the O'Biden Communists who now control the levers of power in our federal government and the banks and money: (1) "dialectical materialism", and; (2) "revolutionary socialism". "Dialectical materialism" is based upon causing agitation between the socioeconomic classes, (Antifa, BLM), while "revolutionary socialism" is a slow, generations - decades long, incremental takeover of our federal government from within, without firing a shot.

Accordingly, after methodically studying O'Biden's Independence Hall speech, clearly the far-left Democratic Party fears the 2022 election results and therefore I posit the "Hobbesian trap" is in play:

Hobbesian Trap: The "Hobbesian trap" is a behavioral science theory that explains why preemptive strikes occur between two groups, The preemptive strike occurs because one group fears the other's superiority and therefore strikes first, before the other group strikes and wins. The 1941 Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese Navy is an example of the Hobbesian trap.

The far-left Marxists who control the O'Biden administration are fully cognizant that if a free and fair election is held in the 2022 midterms, there is a real possibility the MAGA Americans will win majorities in both houses of Congress and Nancy Pelosi will lose the speakership. Therefore I posit, the Hobbesian trap is in play.

The Obama/Marxists have come too far in destroying our Constitutional Republic and seizing power, to take one step backward now! These nasty Marxists will not retreat into defeat and O'Biden's speech is signaling a Hobbesian trap event is underway; by a weaponized federal government - to carry out a preemptive strike against the tens of millions of MAGA Americans and Donald J. Trump personally, Biden's statement about an AR-15 vs. F-15 is an observable threat to the effect of a soon coming civil war. You had better believe the O'Biden Communists will stop at nothing to achieve their final takeover of our homeland. One way or another, civil war is imminent!

The ominous red lighting that framed the president and the choice of Independence Hall as his setting conveyed danger, urgency and the sense that we are, as Biden said, “at an inflection point.” “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” Biden told the nation.

“There is no question,” Biden said, “that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a “grave threat to our democracy”, “our personal rights"…"the pursuit of justice" and the "rule of law.” “MAGA Republicans have made their choice,” the president shouted. “They embrace anger… they live, not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.”

"I will not stand by and let elections be stolen by people who simply refuse to believe that they lost," Biden said.

Additionally, the next day on MSNBC a democrat university professor compared O'Biden's speech to Abraham Lincoln weeks before the Civil War and FDR weeks before Pearl Harbor. With the US Marines drenched in eerie red light standing in front of Independence Hall; the obvious subluminal messaging is meant to prepare the O'Biden operatives for a soon-coming American civil war.

O'Biden's two strategies: The Sept. 1, 2022 Independence Hall speech is a shot across America's bow of a soon coming and bloody civil war: Accordingly I posit there are two "Hobbesian trap" possibilities:

(1) Before the 2022 midterms, O'Biden will send federal government "brown shirts" to arrest targeted MAGA Americans, (i.e. Roger Stone, Peter Navarro, etc.) And then O'Biden will (1) declare martial law, (2) "temporarily" postpone the November midterms and (3) "temporarily" suspend habeas corpus. While the weaponized Garland Justice Department "cleanses America" of O'Biden's political enemies, composed of Trump supporters and MAGA Americans. Its a page from Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Hugo Chavez and Mao and is orchestrated from behind by Barack Hussein Obama, the son of Communists. (or) (2) Instead of declaring martial law first: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), the infamous Dominion Voting machines and servers, (which are physically domiciled in Venezuela) will have been "rigged" before the midterm elections; so that by using AI (to rig the Dominion Voting Machines); Pelosi remains speaker and the Senate remains Democrat controlled. However, because O'Biden knows very well that this will cause a nationwide backlash; O'Biden will declare martial law and suspend habeas corpus - but after the stolen election results become known by We the People. Then after O'Biden declares martial law, his "brown shirts" will carry out arrests nation wide, arresting MAGA Republicans and also arresting Donald Trump and his family. And all is orchestrated from behind by Barack Hussein Obama, the son of Communists.

A "Black Swan" event: Where they are lacking in strategy is the O'biden Communists are in denial (clueless) that the country is on the edge of an economic catastrophe more consequential than the Great Depression of the 1930s. And the harbinger of it, (a financial markets crash), is likely to occur before November 8th. (or) A nuclear war breaks out in the middle east and based upon O'Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, the global governments trash the US Dollar as the reserve currency.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Carl L. McWilliams

An American Christian and Patriot

Glenwood Springs, Colorado

SEE: Deuteronomy 20: 1-4

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Hi, thanks for that info, really fascinating. I was speaking to a friend the other day and he was telling me of two families that he knew that are leaving the USA for fear of what’s coming down the track. He said they were moving to Ireland. Not so sure that’s a good move either as the last 2.5 years have been shocking.

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voting machines are hackable, good luck getting them out of office this fall

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Yes, we have seen that the world over and no more so than in 🇺🇸

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Nice work. Thank you.

My take on the same:


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Thanks Scott. Just read your article as well. Really enjoyed it. I particularly like the reference to The Man In The High Castle. Another dystopian series full of red and black symbolism with some interesting predictions of what could come to pass…

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Yes, and I find the Man in the High Castle particularly reveals the weird pagan philosophy we now see in fiction. The idea of parallel universes encourages nihilism and relativism, because with infinite universes, nothing matters. And how did they end it all? With an 'open border', flooding the nation with multi cultural migrants from an alternate reality.

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Sharing, sharing, sharing. Great article. I find the use of flaming torches, when we have so much better technology now that they could have used if they had simply needed light, particularly disturbing.

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Thank you Karen 👍

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"The devil is in the details."


"In the occult world red and black are related to satanism. In politics they are used by socialists and communists."

IMO, a distinction without a difference. Maybe the rumors are true. Maybe they use the symbolism on purpose for a purpose (or purposes). To signal to the in group and make those identifying the symbols as kooks.

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Also, in the words of the mother of a young marine killed in Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden is a "feckless, dementia-ridden, piece of crap".

The day after his Red Sermon he claimed he did not think any Republicans were a threat. Did he forget? Was he reading the tea leaves and walking it back? Who knows.

Who is running him?

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Gottta give credit when due. That speech and imagry are psycholgical warfare par excellence. Nothing says 'Murica 2022 like an adderrall fueled president threating airstrikes on half the population

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No coincidence here Threads, Biden's speech and the backdrop was 100% intentional.

I remember seeing pictures on Twitter last year of Merkel's leaving office and they scared the bejaysus out of me. Scenes straight out of 1930's Germany being re-enacted again

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No coincidence is right Una. All planned. Scary times ahead. At least some of us have an idea of what’s coming and can get prepared as best we can.

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Good article. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you The Watchman 😀

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Simply put this is satanic many known this for many years and let's hope the people are waking up to this evil in high places now in the book of revelations as well like the tunnel opened in Sweden satanic ritual before the opening those in hight places and has taken many years are satanist who have ritual killings as well the blue bloods are the same hiding under Christianity but good will destroy this evil always has

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