Once again, a brilliant article with accurate exposures right on the money as to what’s going on and has been used, too, albeit wrongfully and experimentally, with the Covid-19 so-called ‘vaccine’.
At it’s heart, Crispr is simply a cut and paste tool for delivery of code exchanges, for our DNA is like computer code. It has great and God-like potential for doing good but therein lies the rub - what human being can ever be trusted to be God-like and good. Money and power; the twin evils that traverse the human mind will always trump the best traversing of Crispr and we now face a hell.
Unfortunately, as in Bill Gates, when you have more money and power than governments and countries, you have nothing else to do except fill in your time with joyous, uncontrollable, meglomania to the detriment of all.
I wish I could say nil desperandum but I can’t. It’s truly a time to head for the hills!
Yes you can. Nil desperandum isn't one of those things you can decide not to say because things look black. That's exactly when you must say it, and mean it. When the going gets tough etc. :-)
And in any case, I think things are looking up. Their nonsense is getting exposed more and more these days. No-one in their right mind likes any of it.
We could wipe out chronic disease and food insecurity by taking toxins out of the environment, processed food off the shelves and regeneration of the soil. Not that hard. Might affect corporate profits somewhat.
We could indeed but in my humble opinion that will never happen. As the saying goes “With great power comes great responsibility" Gates & WEF are proving themselves to be failures on every level.
More than somewhat, sadly! A recent substack article from Matthew Ehret on Liz Truss's "Global Britain" idea is more than a little telling and certainly worthy of the time it would take to read it.
In fact, Ehret's article on history globally are all worth a read. Here's a nugget from one of them...
"Some people speak of a New World Order but it is not new and it is not order." Franklin D Roosevelt 1933
But nowhere does it mention anything about extending life. Is that not one the unspoken (or rarely spoken) dreams of the very wealthy? To extend life, to live longer? Does Herr Schwab think he can continue at the helm indefinitely? After all, he will be 92 in 2030, hardly an age at which one might reasonably expect to be at the helm of such an apparently influential organisation.
It must be tough to be in positions of such wealth, power and infuence and then have to surrender to "the peace of the grave" just like everybody else?
"È come la minchia, la vita! Ogni tanto si fa dura senza motivo!"
Interesting point. I never came across ‘extending life’ in any of the research for the article. That isn’t to say that it isn’t there though. Maybe “The Elite” are more mortal than they realise.
I can't imagine they'd want to tell you if that was part of their agenda. Logically, if people can be stronger, healthier and "made to order", as it were then they should live longer too. Of course, it wouldn't do to have the plebs living longer as well, would it? 🤔
It just goes to show that setting up some angels with flaming swords to keep man from eating the fruit of immortality, demonstrated just how accurately the Creator knew his creatures.
There is plenty of evidence that Bill Gates and his ilk at the WEF and beyond (read RFK jr. The Real Anthony Fauci) see us, the peasants, as little more than mosquitoes - let that sink in....
When Bilderberg members had their 2012 meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, one of the hotel staff where they were meeting reported that the elite referred to the rest of us as "cockroaches".
Is it just me, or are TED talks a prime outlet for mis/dis/mal-information? Every damn message is just so coyingly sanguine in the false confidence that such “innovations” will never have unforeseen negative consequences that cannot be undone.
Just reposted this on my substack, and added a comment re: Bill Gates' video: the video has 1.5k dislikes, but you require the Return YouTube Dislike extension for your browser to see all downvotes.
“For those who decide not to receive the “upgrade” and finally become gods in the Beast system, life will become increasingly difficult. We see this progression in Scripture where refusing the mark first results in not being able to buy or sell, and then leads to death, specifically by beheading. We see both of these scenarios in Revelation:
“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Rev 13:15). He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads (Rev 13:16), and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev 13:17).
Chapter 13 of Corrupting the Image 3, by Dr. Douglas Hamp:
I cannot ignore the similarities between dozens of Hollywood movies (plots) and our socio-political worlds of real life (today). It's like Hollywood is showing us what political and global leaders are attempting to accomplish in real life... and I HATE WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS for mankind. Can't we stop it?
“For those who decide not to receive the “upgrade” and finally become gods in the Beast system, life will become increasingly difficult. We see this progression in Scripture where refusing the mark first results in not being able to buy or sell, and then leads to death, specifically by beheading. We see both of these scenarios in Revelation:
“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Rev 13:15). He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads (Rev 13:16), and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev 13:17).
Chapter 13 of Corrupting the Image 3, by Dr. Douglas Hamp:
Jurrasic Park -"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." — Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
Human kind is fucked! Our future will be destroyed and severely limited due to this technology in the hands of those that believe they are "God". The human race, EVERYONE, needs to STEP UP and STOP those that have plans to use this technology to produce a new master race. It's Hitler's new approach to extermination of those deemed not acceptable to a "so called" master class.
Do you remember the 1978 film The Boys From Brazil
Dr. Josef Mengele (Gregory Peck) clones Hitler 95 times, and hopes to raise the resulting boys in Brazil, giving them childhoods identical to Hitler's. His ultimate plan is to create a band of Nazi leaders that can continue where Hitler left off, forming the Fourth Reich. Ezra Lieberman (Laurence Olivier), a Nazi hunter, learns of the plan and is determined to thwart it. When the two meet face-to-face in the home of one of the Hitler clones, it is up to the boy to choose who he will assist.
Fourth Reich, Fourth Industrial Revolution. All sounds very familiar, doesn’t it ?
Great stuff thanks again! For an excellent critical perspective on CRISPR etc may I suggest the GM Watch website (if you're not familiar with it already of course!) - https://www.gmwatch.org/en/
They've been exposing the myths of GMOs pesticides for years already.
33 minutes. What a ride ~ just listening to the contents of the rumble video! The psychopaths in this compilation video revealing the plans drawn up by the WEF for the fourth industrial revolution have absolutely no idea what it is like to be human.
Once again, a brilliant article with accurate exposures right on the money as to what’s going on and has been used, too, albeit wrongfully and experimentally, with the Covid-19 so-called ‘vaccine’.
At it’s heart, Crispr is simply a cut and paste tool for delivery of code exchanges, for our DNA is like computer code. It has great and God-like potential for doing good but therein lies the rub - what human being can ever be trusted to be God-like and good. Money and power; the twin evils that traverse the human mind will always trump the best traversing of Crispr and we now face a hell.
Unfortunately, as in Bill Gates, when you have more money and power than governments and countries, you have nothing else to do except fill in your time with joyous, uncontrollable, meglomania to the detriment of all.
I wish I could say nil desperandum but I can’t. It’s truly a time to head for the hills!
Cheers Martin. Nil Desperandum indeed. I can’t even count the amount of megalomaniacs in the WEF
Yes you can. Nil desperandum isn't one of those things you can decide not to say because things look black. That's exactly when you must say it, and mean it. When the going gets tough etc. :-)
And in any case, I think things are looking up. Their nonsense is getting exposed more and more these days. No-one in their right mind likes any of it.
We could wipe out chronic disease and food insecurity by taking toxins out of the environment, processed food off the shelves and regeneration of the soil. Not that hard. Might affect corporate profits somewhat.
We could indeed but in my humble opinion that will never happen. As the saying goes “With great power comes great responsibility" Gates & WEF are proving themselves to be failures on every level.
More than somewhat, sadly! A recent substack article from Matthew Ehret on Liz Truss's "Global Britain" idea is more than a little telling and certainly worthy of the time it would take to read it.
In fact, Ehret's article on history globally are all worth a read. Here's a nugget from one of them...
"Some people speak of a New World Order but it is not new and it is not order." Franklin D Roosevelt 1933
But nowhere does it mention anything about extending life. Is that not one the unspoken (or rarely spoken) dreams of the very wealthy? To extend life, to live longer? Does Herr Schwab think he can continue at the helm indefinitely? After all, he will be 92 in 2030, hardly an age at which one might reasonably expect to be at the helm of such an apparently influential organisation.
It must be tough to be in positions of such wealth, power and infuence and then have to surrender to "the peace of the grave" just like everybody else?
"È come la minchia, la vita! Ogni tanto si fa dura senza motivo!"
Interesting point. I never came across ‘extending life’ in any of the research for the article. That isn’t to say that it isn’t there though. Maybe “The Elite” are more mortal than they realise.
I can't imagine they'd want to tell you if that was part of their agenda. Logically, if people can be stronger, healthier and "made to order", as it were then they should live longer too. Of course, it wouldn't do to have the plebs living longer as well, would it? 🤔
Like everything it’s all for the greater good of mankind. The real agenda will always be concealed. WEF, UN Agenda 2030 etc
It just goes to show that setting up some angels with flaming swords to keep man from eating the fruit of immortality, demonstrated just how accurately the Creator knew his creatures.
Oh my god 😱great article.
Thank you. Hope it hasn’t ruined your day 😉
😂day and night 🤣
Interesting mention of sickle cell seeing as Pfizer have recently bought up a small company that’s been doing specialist work in this area 🤔🤔
Cheers for that Phil. Another 🐇 🕳 for me to go down 😀
There is plenty of evidence that Bill Gates and his ilk at the WEF and beyond (read RFK jr. The Real Anthony Fauci) see us, the peasants, as little more than mosquitoes - let that sink in....
When Bilderberg members had their 2012 meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, one of the hotel staff where they were meeting reported that the elite referred to the rest of us as "cockroaches".
Excellent piece. Of course Gates is in the middle of it.
Cheers Paddy. Fingers in every pie 🥧
Is it just me, or are TED talks a prime outlet for mis/dis/mal-information? Every damn message is just so coyingly sanguine in the false confidence that such “innovations” will never have unforeseen negative consequences that cannot be undone.
Another good one and of course i will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Just reposted this on my substack, and added a comment re: Bill Gates' video: the video has 1.5k dislikes, but you require the Return YouTube Dislike extension for your browser to see all downvotes.
“For those who decide not to receive the “upgrade” and finally become gods in the Beast system, life will become increasingly difficult. We see this progression in Scripture where refusing the mark first results in not being able to buy or sell, and then leads to death, specifically by beheading. We see both of these scenarios in Revelation:
“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Rev 13:15). He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads (Rev 13:16), and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev 13:17).
Chapter 13 of Corrupting the Image 3, by Dr. Douglas Hamp:
I cannot ignore the similarities between dozens of Hollywood movies (plots) and our socio-political worlds of real life (today). It's like Hollywood is showing us what political and global leaders are attempting to accomplish in real life... and I HATE WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS for mankind. Can't we stop it?
“For those who decide not to receive the “upgrade” and finally become gods in the Beast system, life will become increasingly difficult. We see this progression in Scripture where refusing the mark first results in not being able to buy or sell, and then leads to death, specifically by beheading. We see both of these scenarios in Revelation:
“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Rev 13:15). He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads (Rev 13:16), and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev 13:17).
Chapter 13 of Corrupting the Image 3, by Dr. Douglas Hamp:
Jurrasic Park -"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." — Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
Human kind is fucked! Our future will be destroyed and severely limited due to this technology in the hands of those that believe they are "God". The human race, EVERYONE, needs to STEP UP and STOP those that have plans to use this technology to produce a new master race. It's Hitler's new approach to extermination of those deemed not acceptable to a "so called" master class.
Do you remember the 1978 film The Boys From Brazil
Dr. Josef Mengele (Gregory Peck) clones Hitler 95 times, and hopes to raise the resulting boys in Brazil, giving them childhoods identical to Hitler's. His ultimate plan is to create a band of Nazi leaders that can continue where Hitler left off, forming the Fourth Reich. Ezra Lieberman (Laurence Olivier), a Nazi hunter, learns of the plan and is determined to thwart it. When the two meet face-to-face in the home of one of the Hitler clones, it is up to the boy to choose who he will assist.
Fourth Reich, Fourth Industrial Revolution. All sounds very familiar, doesn’t it ?
Great stuff thanks again! For an excellent critical perspective on CRISPR etc may I suggest the GM Watch website (if you're not familiar with it already of course!) - https://www.gmwatch.org/en/
They've been exposing the myths of GMOs pesticides for years already.
Also of relevance - "Internet of Bodies (IoB)- Using CRISPR to electrically connect with and control the genome" - https://bioengineeringcommunity.nature.com/posts/internet-of-bodies-iob-using-crispr-to-electrically-connect-with-and-control-the-genome
Excellent article. We're supposed to believe they'll use this technology for the betterment of mankind. Aye, right.
33 minutes. What a ride ~ just listening to the contents of the rumble video! The psychopaths in this compilation video revealing the plans drawn up by the WEF for the fourth industrial revolution have absolutely no idea what it is like to be human.