You are over the target . A very well informed person suggested that everyone that are able to , draw enough money out to last a week and only use cash for any transaction . Those businesses that say card only would soon change their policy . Imagine the effect , just a month of this would have . So many People are so short sited . A local store tried card payment only ,in the first year of C . I personally left my purchase and walked out , obviously many more did too because they changed their policy .

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My local coffee shop at the back of University College Dublin which recently opened is cashless. Their target market is predominantly students. All were tapping and using their phones to pay.

I walked out after placing an order a couple of months back when told they only take cards. I had a card but wouldn’t use it.

My daughter reliably informed me that the coffee was 💩 anyway. I should pop back in and see if they are taking cash or if they have stuck to their guns.

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Just out of interest I heard that the ‘people falling down in the street in China’ video came from TomoNews. I also heard that TomoNews is based in Taiwan and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, the CIA's fund to instigate regime changes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf4-Vzf1CyM

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Paid for 1/2 ton coal today in cash.

Am i going to go to hell.

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The BIS is already far ahead on the game...

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Tesco supermarket are moving to both cashless and self service checkouts, my local one has removed approx 5 manned tills to create a “card only self serve” area for trolleys as well as removing two further manned tills for a “tesco mobile” concession that nobody uses!

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At the same time European countries have been reducing:

1) the top denominated notes

2) the max that you can withdraw from a bank and travel with. Reasons include laundering, criminal activity etc

Pelosi tried to insert a bill for a digital dollar and trump took it out.

As you said all of this has been meticulously planned for years even decades.

Are there enough people out there who understand the risks associated with going cashless and will collectively oppose it?

I wish I was more optimistic.

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How can I get in touch with you to be a guest on our Telegram Channel some evening. You have my email there, could you contact me if interested. You are bang on with the information. I'm only sorry I don't always get to read it, so much great writers on Substack. Thank you

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Let's see how long it takes for UK to roll out Charles III currency. Australia says "several years", while Canada has no plans to replace QE II notes and coins. A lot of foot-dragging going on.

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Have they buried the old dear yet. I don't listen in to any news except what I hear in places like this. They probably won't bother to issue a Charles Pound because they'll just wait until they bring in the digital God help us all

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China and the great reset needs some exploring ..the belt and roads, the off the dollar trade, the apparent enemy of the West...what are the competing factions? Does Xi control their Deep State? Is he playing a fake role? Is Matt Ehret take just too rosy eyed? Please clarify..haha.

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with the crooked nature of politicians im surprised they would play along, they will end up in the same system as us

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Here in Australia, basically it is already cashless. Only a percentage of old people still use cash to shop. I am aware some businesses, especially in the "trades", use cash for tax evasion purposes.

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I didn’t realise things had escalated to that extent in Australia.

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I know people who went to Iceland, which is already cashless. They had to use a card even to pay for using a public toilet.

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It seems like the Nordic countries are well ahead of the game especially Iceland & Sweden

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They are. They’ve had forms of digital id for some time in Sweden and are even experimenting with subcutaneous chips. I know people use them as a glowing example of how how to handle the scamdemic but really, perhaps they didn’t need to be so restrictive with the population because the holy grail of full digital control was already being accepted as the norm.

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