I don't think you're too far off the mark, frankly...

I live in Italy and I am told that Italy has one of the highest rates of per capita personal savings in Europe and possibly further afield. Italians also have a very high per capita rate of home ownership, much of it, as a high percentage of is old, is unencumbered. This is not a good scenario for bank earnings and is ripe for the plundering.

Larry Fink of Blackrock and his WEF chums have talked about how to "persuade" people out of home (and car) ownership. Now, I don't imagine they'll be coming around for tea and buns by the fire to have a chat about this "persuasion". The ideas floating here are to impose a minimum energy efficiency level on every home (incalculable millions to be earned by the construction sector) funded, where owners cannot finance it themselves, by the banks via government brokerage. Upon demise, the debt is settled by the sale of the house, leaving little or nothing to pass on and eliminating the possibility of any individuals growing some (very modest) wealth.

An alternative is to simply arrange a property tax rated against the energy rating if the home. In the end people will no longer be able to pay and will be forced to sell out.

Leo Varadkar said, did he not, that nobody will be forced of their homes by the government in Ireland for being unable to meet specific energy/emission requirements. No, but they will (could) be manoeuvred out by the banks on the back of financing requirements.

Blackrock are interestedi n nothing except growing their asset portfolio. I see it reported that already they are party to widespread buying of single family homes across America, frequently paying as much as 10% over the ask, thus pushing out individuals and reducing them to a lifetime of renting. There is growing evidence of the practice in Ireland, too.

As for the banks in general, we need only think back to 2007 to get a clear picture of where they stand on anything.

Go mberimid beo ar an t-am seo arís!

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Thanks for that Richard. Everyone should read what Richard has to say here. He’s made some truly excellent points 👍

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Keep in mind these are postulations from various quarters in Italy and it remains to be seen what will actually come out of the mix in the end.

However, they do fit this ugly picture we are seeing developing from the lunatics (arguably, in my view) in Geneva.

Also, remember we are already somewhat conditioned to the idea of "support" (pass the sick-bag, Alice) in later life for those who are asset-rich but cash-poor. I'm sure we know of people who have agreed to additional care late in life to be paid for from the sale of the home upon their demise?

A Dutch colleague told me recently that, as a result of falling pensions (relatively) and rising costs, the banks, not the government, have stepped in and now offer a kind of reverse mortgage where a monthly cash payment is made to the pensioners which accumulates as a mortgage to be discharged by the sale of the property. Given the recent behavior or the Rutte government vs the farmers and all that we now know about the globalists/WEF, it's hard not to suspect some "other" influences at work.

As for the environment, in light of everything we've seen about Covid and the demonstrated chicanery of both Pharma and governments globally in the matter, I am now obliged to go back and review everything I previously been told about this.

Consider that Wall St. have added (or are adding) a new tradeable asset class called Natural Asset Companys (NACs). I can't remember all the details but I highly recommend that you check it out. I remember te word "obscene" coming to my mind as I read about it first. Below is an extract from the NYSE website NAC page

"Examples of natural assets that could benefit from the NAC structure include natural landscapes such as forests, wetlands and coral reefs, as well as working lands such as farms."

Nothing is sacred, or ever will be again.

I live in rural northwest Italy, my neighbours are countryfolk, farmers and woodsmen among them. Like such people everywhere, they are highly in tune with nature and alert to every detail. And thus, in early May 2020 while lockdowns were in full swing, my next door neighbour was able to tell me that swallows were back nesting in his roof for the first time in 15 years.

Why? Because after 6 weeks of little traffic and industrial activity, the air in the Po Valley, of relatively poor quality against European standards, (contributed to by being locked between the Alps and the Apennines with little air movement) had cleared and cleaned up so much that the swallows stopped here again.

6 weeks...

Go sabhála dia sinn go léir...

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There is something to be said for the old fashioned model of “estate planning” that included ones children taking care of their elderly parents which is both humane and sensible for preserving family property. Alternatively, if you live by the state, you’ll die by the state. And if you live in the Netherlands you may well die rather “before your time” should others deem it so.

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I have a strong interest here in this topic because my dear spouse [a brilliant and lauded nonprofit social entrepreneur in the affordable housing realm] has spent the last 30 odd years creating opportunities for low- to moderate- income people to develop inter-generational wealth through credit building/repair/financial literacy and asset-building through first time homeownership. My own "lay response" would be that those houses in Italy need to be grandfathered in with legal protections against that wealth transfer to the State.

Personally I would support a graduated luxury tax on excessive square footage for new housing. On my "gentifiying street" a very nice couple is building a 6000 sq ft home for the two of them, this is replacing an original home or "teardown" of about 1200 sq ft -- a common practice in my Southern city where land values are escalating. (So the counter-argument is about "making the numbers work." But it really starts to spiral.) Still, I support this couple's right to pay north of $600 dollars a month in air conditioning bills but would generally like to discourage the practice of over-building/over-paving permeable ground (which causes street flooding esp affecting the original small-house homeowners.)

As to Blackrock, I think that sort of "speculative purchasing" by such a deep-pocketed entity needs legal limits. Talk about distorting a market in favor of the rich. I wonder if some sort of "fair housing" legal argument could be employed. [Where are the traditional Left advocates, when you need them?]

For anyone who happened to miss it, I offer an incisive analysis of the Irish home buying situation by a trio of acute social commentators ; ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-xEOvfNTRc

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I just read today that the EU will have proposals for consideration in Jan/Feb which, if implemented, will require all dwellings to have an energy class rating of not lower than D within 11 years and then level A by 2050. The outdage here is based upon the fact that a huge percentage of houses are (a) very old and (b) mortgaged.

The first challenge is the cost of upgrades. The second cause for alarm is the effect on values of property that is mortgaged on the basis that the regulations, if implemented, will slash their worth.

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In the US, Blackrock reps pay up to 30 to 50% more than the market price for homes.

I also figure that property taxes will be used for robbing people blind, but I think that linked to "social credit," many people will not be eligible for UBI, so no matter how much the tax will be, they won't be able to pay, which will result in their losing their homes. Most jobs will be eliminated and the survivors of the next eight years will have a single channel to pay for anything. They will be refused the chance to pay even if they have the "funds," which will be attributed to trumped-up charges or even without an explanation (perhaps they will be declared the "enemies of the state" or something).

Either way, it ain't gonna be pretty...

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I always like when a fellow MMS refers to the FINANCIAL TERRORIST attack of 2007... Most indeed don't have even an opaque picture of what was done!


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I’ve been telling friends for a long time that this is the end goal for us. Not for the so called ‘elite’ who will be exempt from this scheme and able to eat what they want when they want.

They are already doing this for other areas so their lifestyle doesn’t change.

The EU has exempted private yachts and jets from the carbon tax.

This paper is a response to the policy on exempting yachts:


Look at the following paper (for those who don’t have time page 6 chart).

It is enshrined into U.K. law for 2050.


Now connect the dots…

Pushing the ‘vaccine’ despite deaths and serious injuries.

In the 1970s swine flu vaccine was stopped after 25-50 deaths.

The end goal is the vaccine passport linked with your digital ID combined with digital money and a carbon quota.

Why the animosity towards Russia and China?

Because they need all counties to come on board with this. If not then the world divides

Into 2 camps. One set with a broken economic system and an impoverished people monitored 24/7 and the other side, led by the commodities rich countries, with more liberties and richer.

Schwab has said Marxism didn’t work before because some countries didn’t embrace it.

Why do they have to get rich of Trump - stop him from the 2024 elections? Because he doesn’t agree with the above plans and would stop them.

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Excellent points you’ve made and all 100% spot on. I need to have a listen again to what Christian aka Ice Age Farmer had to say. He’s always on the money.

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Marxism only worked to the extent it did precisely because most countries did not embrace it. Otherwise, they would not have been able to allocate resources because of the calculation problem.

Schwab is insane. He has a bust of Lenin on his shelf. He is the typical midwit, a self-anointed 'genius' whose views of how the world ought to work became fully formed by the time he was a precocious and opinionated 8 year-old, priding himself on reading newspapers instead of comics, and has never revised them since.

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As ever, a stunningly great piece of journalism and understanding. It stands triumphant in relief against the dross of mainline journalism the people are fed daily.

Tell everyone you can find or know to read it. Rabo Carbon Bank, me arse

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Martin, you’ve made my day and it’s only just begun 🤣

I’m now off to fry myself in the sun in this climate change emergency aka Summer.

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We all need to keep pushing back, including using cash as much as possible!

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Agreed. In fact, I have just stocked my wallet with cash for precisely that reason. No more making small purchases by tapping. A very trivial way of protesting and pushing back, maybe, but if enough people began doing the same, it could have an effect.

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A great article. Horror! I watched Black Mirror when it first came out. Fantastic series. The social credit episode did indeed ring alarm bells as did the robotic dogs and bees 😱Not too long after I read China had enacted a social credit system in certain areas to trail it. Bologna is I believe ready to bring one in.

I keep thinking how the voluntary devastation of the last few years under the umbrella of Covid, Climate Crisis Carbon BS etc reminds me of Chinas Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. All for the greater good. I am reading Frank Dikotter’s book. Maos Great Famine. The parallels to the way the west is developing are very very concerning.

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Cheers. Another one to add to the ever growing reading list 😀

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Fantastic article! I shared it to my FB friends. I think some people are starting to wake up to the human-induced climate change hoax. Two and half years of the government and MSM lying to you about Covid will make you suspicious about a lot of terrible things we’ve been told are absolutely true that coincidentally involve us giving up our rights and freedoms.

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Thank you for your kind words. Everything revolves around taking away our rights and freedoms.

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Hello no! Nope, nope, and nope again! We must resist it regardless of the cost. I'm happy to make better choices for the planet but I refuse to be ruled by a self-proclaimed oligarchy whom I believe are implementing these policies to directly enrich themselves and have power and control over us. This planet belongs to all of us. We must find a way to build parallel systems and get off this highway to hell! We must find a better way for all. This is global totalitarianism and the monopolies are implementing this digital hell. We need to stop utilising their services and we need to start shopping locally with independent retailers!

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Either it’s parallel systems or ensuring that it never happens in the first place. It’s going to take some pushback to get the win.

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I've been doing everything within my power for over a year to help us avoid this tsunami of terror that is hurtling towards us. My efforts have seemed mostly futile but it hasn't stopped me trying everthing I can. I'm not sure which way this is going to go in all honesty, but I'm prepared to use any legal means necessary to fight it.

I have learned how to grow food (and will gladly teach my community), I have cleared all debt so that banks are dependent on me for money, not the other way round, I don't support the monopolies or big businesses anymore, and I do not buy their products. I use cash everywhere I can, I shop local at independent businesses, and I now buy my clothes from charity shops. I don't shop online anymore either. I don't support social media platforms that censor and I will be getting rid of any digital apps or platforms that use Google (Alphabet) or Microsoft (Gates).

We need to start exchanging ideas and getting together in our communities to build resilience.

I hope we can overcome this.

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Start by tending a garden. Grow your own food is the first step to building a parallel system.

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Always a good idea 👍

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Might become increasingly difficult. Simultaneously in Britain and the USA, governments are trying to regulate raising chickens out of existence on the pretext of 'bird flu.' They will surely find a similar rationalization against vegetables. Your cabbages won't be green enough, or something.


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There was a municipality in Maine that sought, in the last year or two, to enshrine in local ordnance the rights of individuals to grow their own food. They succeeded but over the determined objections of food manufacturers who argued tgat lical ibdividuals couldn't guarantee appropriate standards...!

I'll have to go look for the report.

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Foolish projection and a stupid excuse to not try. I will fight them, better to be dead. In that context, the global elite won't try, they are too scared just like you.

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Great summary. 🙏🏻

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Thank you 👍

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Meanwhile, what's the carbon footprint of a DAVOS meeting?...asking for a friend

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🤣 not a small number I’d say !!!

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Bloody hell Threads everything will be completely controlled by these nutters, and its presented to the public in oh such reasonable language and harmlessness that most cannot see the totalitarian ideas which underpin it. Great article thank you

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Cheers Una. Nutters is right. Total psychopaths the lot of them.

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Someone recently called them 'philanthropaths' - psychopaths masquerading as philanthropists. Look how Bill Gates pushes vaccines. He has so many stocks and shares in vaccines and their developments that his investments in his 'philanthropy projects' indirectly enriches him with a multifold return on investment. How can people not see this? Madness.

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It was another Substack author, Margaret Anna Alice, who coined the wonderful term 'philanthropath.' She has written a series of articles on the topic.


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Thank you so much for crediting her with this term. I had forgotten her name. I think it is an incredible term that we should all start using when discussing these matters. Her writing is excellent also.

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Mastercard in it up to their necks.

Interesting that the Russians are rolling out their Mir card (as a result of the boomerang sanctions that have priced out the purchase of hydrocarbons for many of the European Plebs already, isn't that convenient?)

Getting back to the Mir card, Erdoğan has been meeting Putin regularly over the last few months, and guess what is being rolled out in Turkey. Yeah, Mir card, so Russian tourists can pay for hotels, restaurants etc.

This Special Military Operation might be the best chance to stop Globalism by the breaking up of the Unipolar World and the rise of the BRICS.

Who would have thought that?

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I stopped reading at this part:

“Let’s ensure that every household or every citizen of the Netherlands receives a certain amount of carbon emission rights. This way we can ensure that we do not emit more than our yearly limit. Your emission rights will be stored in a carbon wallet. So if I wanted to fly, I would buy some carbon emission rights from someone who can’t afford to fly. For example this way this poor person can earn some extra money.

Or if someone lives in a small house, he can sell his emission rights to someone who lives in a big house, this way poor people can benefit from the green economy”

... because I know that ~99% of the poor from the herds of "Modern Moron Slaves/Irresponsible, Ignorant, Idiot" will GLADLY use this scam to make some money! I mean they already do shittier stuff now. This sounds like a fucking paradise compared!

I mean between selling one's plasma or some CO2 credit sound easier the latter!

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Most people don't have a clue about this. Good post!!! Will be linking today as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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All these 2030 goals made me think about the 20/80 Society today, wherein with current automation levels, only 20% of people on the planet are needed to support the economy; and I had an interesting thought. How about they kill half the people off and have a 20/30 society? Much easier to manage and you have 30% to pluck from as potential replacements when needed in the 20%.

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Another method governments are using to reduce meat consumption is let food prices rise to the point where demand rapidly decreases. Which is working. Schools are already reducing meat in their menus due to increasing prices.

They all say they’re concerned about the rising cost of foods and cost of living but on the other hand telling farmers to close their farms and reduce livestock.


The above is one example. Where is the media coverage of farmer riots in the Netherlands?

The solution which they will present is eating insects.

The U.K. government has already started the process. See the link below. Hopefully some of you will have written in with your comments before the deadline.


And then you have ‘people’ like below advocating cannabilism. Even the New York Times stated Maybe it’s time to consider Cannabilism.


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Thanks for this great article. and the very informative comments.

They're certainly rolling out all this stuff at top speed! Pretty scary.

I use cash most of the time. I'm sure I'll encounter a 'card only' option sometime soon, in which case I will take my custom elsewhere.

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